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    Monday, December 31, 2007

    2007- The Year in Brief

    Another year is coming to a close. For me, personally, it's been a bit of a roller coaster ride- mostly highs, and not very many lows. I've been p[published this year- twice. I turned 40 (well, you're only 40 once, I suppose...). And, I'm still waiting for that damn settlement check (but that's neither here nor there).

    2007, in many respects has been very unique. Many news events took place, and what not.

    So, along with our sister blog, The Trash Bash ( ), The View From Planet Alex proudly brings you 2007: The Year in Brief

    So, without further adieu, let's take a ride through this crazy ass year we call 2007.

    But first, a word from Apple:


    Okay, so it was the missing Apple computer ad, but hey, it did convince me to stay with the Mac, okay? (I'll admit, I did part of this look back on '07 on Windows- but that's neither here nor there, baby!)

    How I'll do this is simple. The heavier news and politics will be covered here in (the soon to be renamed) The View from Planet Alex. Sports and entertainment will be covered in the sister blog, The Trash Bash.

    On the top of this year end review, not much happened in January, other than the fact that California democrat Nancy Pelosi became the first ever female to become the speaker of the House of representatives.

    January 30, after numerous delays, Microsoft finally released its' latest version of the Windows operating system, Vista.

    vistavid1/Microsoft, Inc./YouTube

    However, at this late date, I'm hearing that the people who bought Vista are downgrading back to XP. So much for that five years' wait.

    February, former New york mayor Rudolph Guiliani declared the was running for the office of President of the United States.

    NASA astronaut Lisa Nowak, just months after returning from space (on mission STS-121, on space shuttle Discovery), drove 900 miles- armed with a BB gun; a mallet; pepper spray and a wig to disguise herself- from Houston, Texas to Orlando, Florida to kill a romantic rival. Apparently, Nowak was smitten by fellow astronaut William Oelefein, who was dating US Air Force captain Coleen Shipman. Of course, what makes this story more soap opera worthy is the fact that Nowak is a married woman, with three kids (in January, Nowak and her husband separated).

    Nowak was charged with attempted kidnapping; battery; attempted vehicle burglary; and destruction of evidence. A charge of attempted first degree murder was later added at her second arraignment. (the latter charge was later dropped). She was arrested at Orlando International Airport after confronting Captain Shipman, and pepper spraying her.

    WESH-TV, Orlando, Florida/
    Oh, and she wore adult diapers so she wouldn't have to go to the loo en route to Orlando


    The case is ongoing. Meanwhile, Nowak has been fired by NASA, but remains on active duty with the US Navy.

    San Francisco mayor Gavin Newsom admitted that he had an extramarital affair with a married female aide. He later went to rehab for alcoholism.

    Newsom went on to be re-elected as mayor in November, with 72% of the vote.

    Comedian and actor- and ex-Air America talk show host- Al Franken announced that he is running for the seat of Republican senator Norm Coleman.

    On February 8, actress and model Anna Nicole Smith died of an accidental drug overdose. More on her passing in the sister blog, The Trash Bash ( )

    In late 2006, eight US attorneys were fired- apparently, they were kind of, like, a little too hostile to the current Bush administration. In March, Albert Gonzales admits that "mistakes were made in the firings."

    Irving Lewis 'Scooter' Libby was convicted on four counts- two on perjury; one for obstruction of justice; and one of making false statements to federal investigators. this stemmed from the leak of (now former) CIA agent Valerie Plame's identity. President Bush commuted Libby's sentence and granted him clemency.

    In April, we lost a legendary football coach.
    Eddie Gay Robinson, Sr. coached the Grambling State University Tigers to a 408-165-15 record over 56 seasons. He was the winningest college football coach for many years (his record was recently eclipsed by John Gagliardi, who still coaches at St. John's university in Minnesota). Over 200 players went on to play pro football- including Super Bowl XXII MVP Doug Williams of the Washington Redskins, who would succeed 'Coach Rob' as Grambling coach in 1998.

    Never mind that Grambling State is a predominantly black college in rural Louisiana

    Grambling Tigers/
    On April 3, 2007, the beloved coach- and the love of Doris' life for 56 years- died


    April 16, horror struck the campus of Virginia Polytechnic University in Blacksburg, Virginia

    33 students- including the gunman, Cho Seung-Hui- died in the massacre.

    The massacre began at around 7:15AM Eastern time. The first two victims, Ryan Clark, 22, a senior studying Psychology, Biology; and English, of Martinez, GA, and Emily Hilscher, 19, a freshman in Animal Sciences, from Woodville, VA, were the first two fatalities when Cho entered West Amble Johnston Hall. Two hours later, after changing out of his bloodstained clothes and deleting his e-mail, he mailed a package of writings and video recordings to NBC News:

    directoriowarez/ News
    Shortly thereafter, Cho entered Norris Hall and began shooting. It was here- at Norris- where the vast majority of students were killed and wounded.

    When police finally arrived, Cho fired one final shot- to himself.

    In all 33 dead, 29 wounded.

    In addition to Clark and Hilscher, the remaining dead are:
    Norris 204:
    Liviu Librescu, 76, engineering professor, Romania. Librescu bravely held the door, allowing many of the students in his class to escape harm. He was shot as Cho shot through the door.
    Minal Panchal, 26, masters student, Mumbai, India
    Norris 206:
    G.V. Loganathan, 53, engineering professor, Tamil Nadu, India
    Jarrett Lane, 22. Senior, Civil Engineering, Narrows, VA
    Matthew Gwaltney, 24, masters, Enviromental Engineering, Chesterfield, VA
    Matthew Bluhm, 25, masters, Civil Engineering, Louisville, KY
    Jeremy Herbstritt, 27, masters, Civil Engineering, Bellefonte, PA
    Parathi Lumbantoruan, 34, PhD, Civil engineering, Indonesia
    Daniel O'Neil, 22, masters, Enviromental Engineering, Lincoln, RI
    Juan Ortiz, 26, masters, Civil Engineering, Bayamon, PR
    Julia Pryde, 23, masters, Biological Engineering, Middletown, NJ
    Waleed Shaalan, 32, PhD, Civil Engineering, Zagazig, Egypt
    Norris 207:
    Christopher James Bishop, 35, German instructor, Pine Mountain, GA
    Lauren McCain, 20, freshman, International studies, Hampton, VA
    Michael Pohle, Jr., 23, senior, Biological Sciences, Flemington, NJ
    Maxine Turner, 22, senior, Chemical Engineering, Vienna, VA
    Norris 211:
    Jocelyne Couture-Nowak, 49, French professor, Nova Scotia, Canada
    Ross Alameddine, 20, sophomore, English/Business, Saugus, MA
    Austin Cloyd, 18, freshman, International Studies, Champaign, IL
    Daniel Perez Cueva, 21, junior, International Studies, Peru/Woodbridge, VA
    Caitlin Hammaren, 19, sophomore, International studies/French, Westtown, NY
    Rachael Hill, 18, freshman, Biological Sciences, Richmond, VA
    Matthew La Porte, 20, sophomore, Political Science, DuMont, NJ
    Henry Lee, 20, freshman, Computer Engineering, Roanoke, VA/Vietnam
    Erin Peterson, 18, freshman, International Studies, Centreville, VA
    Mary Read, 19, freshman, Interdisciplinary Studies, Annandale, VA
    Reema Samaha, 18, freshman, Urban Planning, Centreville, VA
    Leslie Sherman, 20, junior, History/International Studies, Springfield, VA
    Norris Hall Hallway:
    Kevin Granata, 45, Engineering Professor, Toledo, OH

    The perpetrator, Seung-Hui Cho, 23, was a South Korean natrional, with a permanent residency in the US. He began as a Business Infromation Technology major, but by his senior year was a English major. Throughout his life, Cho was diagnosed with multiple mental ailments- ranging from selective mutism, to depression.

    Shortly before he shot 61 of his fellow students, he purchased a .22 caliber Walther P22 semi-automatic pistol from a Wisconsin-based online gun dealer in february, and the Glock 19 from a Roanoke, Virginia gundealer in March. Cho passed the federal background checks required.

    Those were the two weapons used in the shootings.

    Cho also allegedly stalked two female students. Both times, however, he only received verbal reprimands.

    Also on April, a gas tanker truck crashed and burned down a key section of a freeway connecting San Francisco to the east bay communities.


    On May 15, the founder of the Moral Majority and Liberty University, Jerry Falwell passed away. It was in 1979 when Falwell, conservative Southern Baptist pastor of Lynchburg's Thomas Road Baptist Church, formed the Moral Majority. It was comprised of groups of conservative political action committees, largely to bring- or attempt to bring- Christian values into politics. For some time, it did seem that several politicians- notably Ronald Reagan, among others- did reach office thanks to the Moral Majority.

    Falwell was a well know foe of abortion and gay rights. He also was an ingrown in the American Civil Liberties Union's ass.


    The well known pillow talk between lovers on CBN's sitcom The 700 Club, days after 9/11.

    All Andrew Speaker wanted to do was to make it to his wedding- in Greece- in time. He was so enraptured into tying the knot that he didn't pay attention to the fact that he carried a drug-resistant strain on TB.

    Tuberculosis, baby!

    In may, Speaker made it to his wedding. He kissed the bride, then flew back to the States- in a plane full of passengers- with that strain of TB!


    He could've stayed in Italy, but as this clip from Fox's The O'Reilly Factor will show, Speaker thought that he would never make it back to the land of baseball, hot dogs, apple pie, and Chevrolets.


    Tell him off, Bill! (Though I seriously doubt that it's a secular progressive versus Judeo-Christian traditional thing...).

    Eventually, Speaker was sent to a hospital in Denver.
    And wifey-poo! All in the rush to get to the chapel in time.

    To this late date, none of the fellow passengers have come forward and said that they got TB from Speaker.

    Those wacky Republicans. They just don't like gay people, do they?

    Well, especially when at least two of themn happen to be closeted.

    First, let's look at the senator from Idaho, the (dis)honorable Larry Edwin Craig.

    Take a look from this clip from NBC's Meet the Press from 1999:

    veracifier/ News
    Bill Clinton a naughty boy? Sure, after all, it's been well known that he had extramarital affairs while Arkansas governor. Of course, the good senator is referring to the events of the affair Clinton had with intern Monica Lewinski (who, by the way, is a Lewis & Clark graduate here in Portland).

    A nasty, naughty boy that Billy Clinton was.
    But I'm afraid, Mr. Craig, that you've been a bit...shall I say, hypocritical.

    This clip: WCVB-TV, Boston, Massachusetts/

    The top clip is the interrogation tapes from the Minneapolis- St. Paul International Airport police.

    Senator Craig was arrested June 7 on charges of a count of interference with privacy; disorderly conduct. A few days later, Craig pleaded guilty to the counts.

    Of course, Senator Craig decided to come forward and talk to the press. A month later.


    Let's look at this again, this time with the help from the cast of the Tony winning Broadway musical, Avenue Q:


    Not long after Craig reportedly tried to get gay sex from the Minneapolis police officer, Florida representative Bob Allen, 49, was arrested by an undercover police officer in Titusville, Florida, for solicitation of prostitution. He reportedly gave $20 to an undercover officer, citing that it was the fear of a bl;ack man that made him make the offer.

    (oh, I forgot. Republicans don't much like black folks, either. Damn! And I'm black...)

    Allen was convicted in November with six months probation; $250 fine, court costs, and $245 restitution to the city of Titusville Police.

    He resigned shortly thereafter.
    In November- and a bit shortly before Allen's conviction- a Washington state Republican representative Richard Curtis allegedly had extramarital trysts with young men. He reportedly even went to an adult film store in a dress to meet his young boy toy dates.


    Of course, Curtis said that his young love, a 26-year-old Cody Castanga, tried to extort him.

    Curtis resigned shortly after this scandal broke.

    Okay, back to the timeline.

    June 26, 2007, the cellphone and tech world was forever changed when Apple and AT&T released the iPhone, which acts as a phone; iPod; and even wi-fi. Initially, there were two versions- a 4GB and 8GB- but about three months later, Apple discountinued the 4GB model, and dropped the price of the 8GB from $599 to $399. The September price drop pissed off those me first types. Apple did their best to acquiese those nimrods by offering a $100 store credit.

    Patience, mon capitan.

    August 1, in Minneapolis, Minnesota. Rush hour on I-35W. People driving home from work- some even heading to the Twins-Indians matchup at the Metrodome.

    But at 6:05PM Central Time, the unthinkable happened.

    WCVB-TV, Boston, MA/CNN/

    The main spans of the bridge that crosses the Mississippi River- and carried 140,000 cars on a daily basis- collapsed.

    drsnk/WCCO/KMSP/KSTP/KARE, Twin Cities, MN/

    113 people were injured. 13 of them died.
    The National Transportation Safety Board and MnDot (Minnesota Department of Transportation) continue to investigate the collapse. At the time, the bridge was only 40 years old.

    Karl Rove has been George W. Bush's right hand man for over 30 years. From Bush's time in the Texas statehouse, to the White House, Rove was always there. Sometimes, itr seemed like he was one of Bush's puppetmasters.

    In August, Rove called it quits as Deputy Chief of Staff. He served the six years under the current Bush administration.

    In September, a young African American female was kidnapped from Charleston- the state capital- and taken about 50 miles to the southwest, and was reportedly- and repeatedly- raped by six people, all six white.

    For about a week, the victim, Megan Williams, now 21, was forced to eat rat droppings; was choked with a cable cord, and stabbed. All while being called a racial slur (put 2 and 2 together on that one). It was possible that Megan was tortured in retaliation for ending the relationship with one of her captors, Bobby Brewster. Justr months prior- in July- Williams filed domestic violence charges on Brewster. Bobby is charged with kidnapping; malicious wounding and assualt during commisision of a felony. His mother Frankie was charged with the same charges, with the additonal charge of giving false information to police.

    September 6, actor and former senator Fred Thompson made his declaration for the office of President of the United States. Here on Fox News, Thompson reveals his stands on issues:

    pundital/Fox News/

    On September 17, US attorney general Alberto Gonzales resigned. During his tenutre, his leadership was under suspicion- ranging from the Justice Department and FBI abusing the USA PATRIOT Act, and the firing of eight US attorneys last December.

    October 10, Asa Coon, under suspension from Cleveland, Ohio's Success Tech High, walked in and shot four people. None of the shooting victims had serious wounds, thankfully.

    Coon, however, took his own life.
    He had a troubled 14 years, suffering abuse from on or both parents, and was sent in and out of juvenile hall.

    October 17, the Dalai Lama visited the White House, where he would receive the Presidential Medal of Freedom


    Despite the White House's efforts to keep it low key- after all, he visited China shortly thereafter- China got pissed. After all, China sees the Dalai as a serious threat. Serious threat to what, I don't...oh, their Communist power grip on the Chinese people. After all, when you see something like this:


    You'd have to wonder why the Chinese leadership is so damn paranoid. That's like an ironclad protected fortress whining over leaked military secrets- when there weren't any in the first place.

    October 26 was a day of rejoicing for users of Apple, Inc's Macintosh Operating System X. The latest version, Leopard, was released.

    EminemSkittles/Apple, Inc./

    Leopard was also delayed- by only six months- so Apple could work on releasing the iPhone on time.

    In late October, wildfires threatened southern California. Over 400,000 acres and over 1300 homes were destroyed in the San diego area. These fires were among the latest to strike California. In January, a 20-acre fire destroyed five homes in Malibu. In May, over 800 acres burned in LA's Griffith Park. In nearby santa Catalina Island, more than 4700 acres burned. wildfires made a return visit in Malibu in November, with 50 homes destroyed.


    December 5 at Westwoods Mall in Omaha, Nebraska. Happy shoppers buying gifts for their loved ones. Everyone's in a Christmas/Hanakah/Kwanzaa mood.

    Around 1:30PM Central time, all of that changed.


    The 911 call that came in at 1:42PM. Six minutes of horror at the Von Maur department store as Robert A, Hawkins, armed with an AK-47 assualt rifle began shooting.

    When it was all over, nine people- Beverly Flynn, 47; Janet Jorgensen,66; Gary Joy, 56; Dianne Trent, 53; and Angie Schuster, 36 all of Omaha; John McDonald, 65, of Council Bluffs, Iowa; Gary Scharf, 48, of Lincoln; and Maggie Webb, 24 dead, including the 19-year-old Hawkins, who took his own life.

    KETV-TV, Omaha, Nebraska/

    Hawkins was a troubled young man, a high school dropout who was hospitalized twice for psychiatric problems. He had been diagnosed with an unspecified mood disorder, in addition to having attention deficit disorder and oppositional defiant disorder- a persistent pattern ogf defying authority (I think we all have a little bit of the latter) school had lost his job at an area McDonald's earlier in the day. He also saw a romantic relationship come to an end. In a suicide note, he wrote that, "I'm going to be famous now."

    Several days later, on December 9, two faith-based institutions were struck by gunfire.

    At around 12:30AM Mountain time, in Arvada, Colorado- just north of Denver- a young man- likely in his twenties- walked into the Youth With a Mission school and asked for a bed. When the night guard, the gunman took out a Tiffany Johnson, 26, was shot to death. Philip Crouse, 24, was the other fatality at YWAM. Two others- Dan Griebenbow, 24, and Charlie Blanch, 22 were wounded.

    Then about 13 hours afther the YWAM shooting, a gunman with a high powered rifle entered the foyer of New Life church in Colorado Springs and opened fire. Three people died in that shooting, including the gunman, Matthew Murray, 24, who was shot by a New Life security guard, Jeanne Assam, 42, a former law enforcement officer. The other two fatalities are two sisters, Stephanie Works, 18, and her sister Rachael, 16. Their faather David, 51, was shot in the groin and abdomen, but has survived.

    Murray- already gravely wounded- then shot himself to death.

    Murray was reportedly linked to the YWAM shooting. He was expelled from the school in 2002, citing health issues. Since then, Murray had allegedly sent hate mail to the school and its' director prior to the two shootings.

    New Life church was founded by the Rev. Ted Haggard, who was fired last year for meth addiction and allegedly having a relationship with a male prostitute, who dealt him the meth.

    December 6, Republican Presidential hopeful, Willard 'Mitt' Romney- former governor of Massachusetts- said that he would "serve no religion", even as he is an active memeber of the, Mormons (also known as the Christ of Jesus Christ, Latter Day Saints). He made the point that he'll honor that separation of church and state, and that he doesn't define his candidacy by religion.

    However, former Arkansas governor Mike Huckabee, another Republican presidential hopeful, is an active Southern Baptist. He- like Romney- is actively doing his best to woo the conservative and the religious right. Throughout the year, though, conservatives are not too sure of the field of Republicans. One is a Mormon- the aforementioned Willard Romney. Another is Catholic- former New York City mayor Rudolph Guiliani- but is pro-choice and pro gay rights. Yet another is Baptist- Huckabee. One wants us out of Iraq- Texas senator Ron Paul. It's like a garden variety of choices that virtually turn out the same- not conservative enough.

    And then, there's the Democrat field. A senator who was once a first lady; and African-American sophomore senator who wowed the crowd at the 2004 Democratic National Convention; a vice-presidential hopeful who's giving it another run; and several others. Virtually all of them want to get out of Iraq, but only Hillary Clinton, it appears seem to understand that the U.S. must stay the course if the War on Terrorism is to be won.

    It's going to be one crazy year

    While I'm on the subject of politics, in 2004, 61 percent of Oregon voters (this auhtor among them) voted for Measure 37, which granted Ortegon landowners to develop on their land. This meant houses- be it for housing developments or simply to keep the land in the family.


    However, the state leaders down in Salem didn't like that owners got to basically do what they damn well pleased. So, without so much of any public input, they snuck in Measure 49, which said would only reform Measure 37 claims.


    yeson49/, Portland, OR

    Well, 49 passed by 62 percent. I voted against this measure.

    Now government has retained the right to take land from owners under the lie 'imminent domain'.

    In California, the question was asked on whether elected offices should receive funding from taxes.


    However, voters didn't buy into that argument. Proposition 89 failed by 74.5%

    Eunice Lopez has British ctress Elizabeth Taylor beat. Whereas Liz married eight times- (including twice to Richard Burton), Lopez married seventeen- SEVENTEEN!- men over a four year period. Damn! The only difference is that Liz dumped all of those dedbeats like lava. Lopez, on the other hand, didn't even bother filing for divorce.

    This month, Lopez was charged with bigamy. She reportedly demanded money from the men she married, under the threat of deportation (all of the husbands were illegal ailens).

    Gerald Richardson, 29, wanted to be on the news.
    Who would have thought that he did it by crashing into the studios of ABC 7, WLS-TV/DT in downtown Chicago on Sunday, December 23, 2007? He was arrested for crashing into the studio- right as the 10PM (Central Time) newscast was beginning.

    No one was hurt.

    Christmas Eve turned out to be horrific when six memebers of a family were gunned down in Carnation, Washington. TYwo suspects were arrested.

    On December 27, former Pakistani prime minister Benazir Bhutto, 54, was assasinated in Rawapindi, Pakistan. Bhutto was greeting crowds when she was shot to death. The assasins- or assassins- blew themselves up just moments later. 20 others were also killed (mostly from the blast). Her killing has cast a pall over the pakistani elections, which are to commence next month.

    Many blame the current president Pervez Musharraf, yet others blame Washington and President Bush for failing to protect Mrs. Bhutto, who came from a self-imposed exile to attempt to win back the seat of Prime minister. She served as pakistan's PM between 1988 and 1996.


    Oregon's domestic partnership law was to have taken effect on January 1, 2008. But a group, Alliance Defense Fund, a conservative group that opposes same-sex marriages, along with a federal judge, Michael Mosman- who was appointed by that best friend of same sex relationships, George W. Bush, in 2003- decided to put the law on hold while ADF alleges that the 100 votes that weren't counted to allow a ballot measure to be placed on the November 2008 ballot, have been erroneously tossed.

    If you ask me, these folks are making much ado about nothing.

    We had notable passings in 2007.
    Sidney Sheldon, 89, was a best-selling novelist.
    Jack Valenti, 85, founded the Motion Picture Association of America in 1966
    Lady Bird Johnson, 94, was first lady of the united states from 1963-1969.
    Ruth Lotz Graham, 87, wife of evangelist Billy Graham.
    Wally Schirra, 84, one of the Mercury 7 astronauts.
    Ernest Gallo, 97, winemaker, scion of the Gallo vintery dynasty.
    Joseph Gallo, 87, brother of Ernest. Left the family winemaking business to make cheeses. Predeceased Ernest by a little over a month.
    Phil Rizzuto, 90, New York Yankees broadcaster whose catchphrases "Holy cow!" became part of Yankee lore.
    Molly Ivins, 62, liberal columnist
    Beverly Sills, 78, Brooklyn-born opera legend who brought opera to the masses
    Robert Goulet, 73, opera tenor who also poked fun at himself.
    Kurt Vonnegut, 84, author of Slaughterhouse Five
    Denny Doherty, 66, member of 60s group the mamas and the Papas.
    Art Buchwald, 81, Pulitzer-winning humorist.
    Tige Andrews, 86, played Captain Greer on ABC's The Mod Squad
    Frankie Laine, 93, singer in the 50s.
    Betty Hutton, 86, singer-actress, noted for role in Annie Get Your Gun
    Bowie Kuhn, 80, baseball commissioner.
    Luther Ingram, 69, singer noted for hit If Loving You is Wrong (I don't Want to Be Right)
    Roscoe Lee Browne, 81, actor with mellifluous baritone voice.
    Don Ho, 76, the man who gave us Tiny Bubbles
    Kitty Carlise Hart, 96, actress of film and TV, also noted as panelist on long-running game show To Tell the Truth
    Boris Yeltsin, 76, former Russian president.
    Bobby 'Boris' Pickett, co-wrote the hit Monster Mash
    Tommy Newsom, 78, Tonight Show with Johnny Carson bandleader
    Tom Poston, 85, actor who frequently co-starred with Bob Newhart's sitcoms.
    Yolanda King, 51, actress and activist. Daughter of Martin Luther King, Jr. and Coretta Scott King.
    Charles Nelson Reilly, 76, frequent panelist of Match Game and actor.
    Brett Sommers, 83, Reilly's co-panelist on Match Game and actress. Estranged wife of Jack Klugman.
    Kurt Waldheim, 88, UN secretary.
    Chris Benoit, 40, WWE wqrestler. Killed himself after killing his wife and young son.
    Liz Claiborne, 78, cosmetics and fashion queen.
    Joel Siegel, 63, Good Morning America film critic.
    Doug Marlette, 57, editorial cartoonist who created Kudzu
    Tammy Faye Messner, 65, co-founder of PTL ministry with then-husband Jim Bakker. Later became a gay rights activist.
    Laszlo Kovacs, 74, cinematographer of numerous films(Easy Rider; Five Easy Pieces, etc.)
    Tom Snyder, 71, talk show host (Tomorrow; Late Late Show with Tom Snyder)
    Bill Walsh, 75, San Francisco 49ers head coach
    Merv Griffin, 82, talk show host, real estate magnate; and game show creator.
    Phil Rizzuto, 89, New York Yankees shortstop and later broadcaster. Coined the phrase "Holy Cow!"
    Brooke Astor, 105, Philantropist.
    Max Roach, 83, jazz drummer.
    Leona Hemsley, 87, bitch who ran Hemsley Hotels.
    Richard Jewll, 44, man credited for saving lives in 1996 Centennial Park bombing in Atlanta. Accused and later exonerated of charges that he caused the bombing.
    Rev. D. James Kennedy, 76, conservative Christian pastor.
    Luciano Pavarotti, 71, opera tenor. Hailed as the 'King of the High C's'.
    Jane Wyman, 90, actress and first wife of actor (and later US president) Ronald Reagan.
    Rex Humbard, 88, televangelist.
    Marcel Marcaeu, 84, legendary pantomine artist.
    Lois Maxwell, 80, Miss Moneypenny in early James Bond films
    Tawn Mastery, 53, female voice of LA's heavy metal scene.
    Deborah Kerr, 86, actress noted for hot steamy kiss with Burt Lancaster in 1953's From Here to Eternity.
    Joey Bishop, 89, one-fifth (and last surviving member) of Hollywood's Rat Pack.
    Porter Waggoner, 80, country musician, credited for kick starting Dolly Parton's career.
    Hank Thompson, 82, country musician, created 'honky-tonk swing'.
    Norman Mailer, 84, 'prince of American letters. Best-selling author.
    Joe Nuxhall, 79, youngest major leaguer with the Cincinnati Reds, later the Reds play-by-play announcer.
    Dick Wilson, 91, lovable hypocritical store owner Mr. Whipple in Charmin bathroom tissue ads.
    Kevin DuBrow, 52, lead vocalist of Quiet Riot.
    Sean Taylor, 24, Washington Redskins safety.
    Ike Turner, 76, credited for creating rock-n-roll, ex-husband of Tina Turner.
    Roger King, 63, creator of King World Productions, and CBS executive.
    Dan Fogleberg, 56, singer of song Leader of the Band
    Oscar Peterson, 82, legendary Canadian jazz musician.
    Harry Lee, 75, Chinese-American sheriff of Jefferson Parish, Louisiana.

    That's the way it is for 2007. It's been one hell of a year, indeed. 2008 promises to be quite a whirlwind.
    There are a lot of people to thank. So, in paricular order, my thanks and gratitude goes out to first, my Lord and Savior Jesus, whom without him, I wouldn't be breathing. My friend C.J. White for inspiring me. The gang at Write Around Portland, and special thanks to Dawn Thompson and Krista Price for being the muses that inspired me this summer. Patty Warman, Marvin Mitchell, Gary Davis, and the rest of the gang at Julia West House. Thanks Rev. Tom Nolen for allowing such a space from the storm. Ulis Hardman, also, for goading me on (even if he sometimes talks to me to death). And everyone else I may have forgotten. Thank you all! It's been a great year, and I look forward to a fast paced 2008.

    I leave you with this:


    Have a Happy and Safe 2008!

    Copyright (C)2007, by DWA Organisation (Darren W. Alexander). All Rights Reserved.

    Friday, December 28, 2007

    OH, COME ON!: Oregon Domestic Partnership Law Put on Hold

    The people at the Alliance defense Fund, a conservative legal interest group with no ties to Oregon, must not have anything better to do.

    In a move that shocked even the most conservative among us, the group claims that signatures that were rejected should be put back on. Even as those signatures probably weren't valid.

    A federal judge, named Mossman, decided to wait until February 2, 2008, to hear this case. If the Alliance wins, a ballot measure could be forced upon Oregon voters on whether to allow domestic partnerships- or reject them.

    Apparently, the passage of Measure 36 in 2004- which banned same-sex marriages- wasn't good enough for theses jackals. And I probably won't be at all surprised at who's probably bankrolling this. Fucked up thing is, that shooter who shot up those two churches in Colorado recently, missed the one many wish would just go away.

    (C)2007, The DWA Organisation. All Rights Reserved.

    Friday, December 21, 2007

    Women Weaken Legs (They Also Sexually Assualt Football Players)

    Singer-actress Jessica Simpson is not- I repeat, NOT!- welcome in the Dallas/Fort Worth Metroplex.

    Ever since Dallas Cowboys quarterback Tony Romo performed at his personal worst in the Cowboys' loss to the Philadelphia eagles on Sunday, everyone- from Cowboys' running back Terrell Owens to just about everyone else- are blaming Romo's failures on the field to a certain not too good of a singer, and even worse actress (but still a fuckable hottie- at least as far as this blogger is concerned).

    T.O. playfully called her out in a recent radio interview.

    But hey, the actress-as-good-luck-charm still works for a certain New England quarterback, though. The Patriots are still undefeated.

    Women- and a Man- Sexually Assault UNC Football Players (, ):

    Two women and a male accomplice are charged with the December 16 attack on three University of North Carolina football players.

    According to Chapel Hill police, the three players- unnamed by the ABC News and WRAL-TV report (which you can click to next to the subtopic title)- were bound by tape, and threatened by a knife. The three, Monique Jenice Taylor, 28; Tnika Monta Washington, 29, and Michael Troy Lewis, 32, are charged with three counts of kidnapping, three counts of conspiracy to commit a felony, and one count of resiting arrest. Washington and Taylor each face additional charges of first degree sexual offense. Lewis faces charges on robbery, possession of stolen goods, and assault on government officials.

    (C)2007 The DWA Organisation (Darren W. Alexander). All Rights Reserved.

    Thursday, December 20, 2007

    The Blue Man

    You've heard of the Blue Man Group- those funny musicians who play improvised instruments (you know, anything from PVC pipes to just about anything they can get their hands on).


    But unlike the members of BMG, this man can't take his paint off. Because his skin really is blue. Or bluish.


    About 14 years ago, Paul Karason, 57, of Madera, California used a substance called colloidal silver, which is made from extracting silver from metal. It converts into water with electrical currents, and you drink it. It's billed as a cure.

    Karason says that he rubbed it on his face, and that may have contributed to the rare, yet harmless condition called Argyria. (go to for information). Kind of the opposite of vitiligo, perhaps.

    He does not plan on treating this.

    (C)2007, by Darren W. Alexander. All Rights Reserved.

    Thursday, December 13, 2007

    Second Anthology Released

    Tonight, the release and reading of See the Water Rise/Ver Las Aguas Subir took place at First United Methodist Church, in the Goose Hollow area of southwest Portland. Over 80 people read their selections. This book is published by Write Around Portland, the folks who published the summer anthology, Unexpected Metaphors, in August.

    I was among them. But this almost didn't happen.

    You see, I had initially chosen not to read my submission, Pierced Body Parts- not because of fear of embarrassment (I'm not afraid to read in front of crowds), but in part out of consideration for others. The last reading, I did all I could to downplay my reading- a lot of people said that my piece, Venice on the Scioto- was among the best. In other words, I kept myself from letting my head swell (though the blog entry I wrote on that was kind of a in-house joke). But after much coaxing from friends, I finally acquiesced. (I even caved in to find out which submission the Write Around Portland group had chosen. Initially, I had intentionally kept myself in the dark on that as well).

    Well, my head's swelling- but only a tiny bit. After all, Pierced Body Parts is one of the more risque, perhaps even a bit erotic- if not the most erotic- pieces I've had published yet. To be honest, when I look at it, I find it pretty sexy. A kind-of 'reclaiming my balls' kind of story. All without one word of profanity (in other words, you don't have to be 'vulgar' to be erotic, right?)

    So yes, it's not too saying too much when I say that yes, this story- Pierced Body Parts- is my sexiest story yet.

    See the Water Rise/Ver Las Aguas Subir will be in area bookstores shortly. I hope you enjoy the stories.

    (C) 2007, by Darren W. Alexander. All Rights Reserved.

    The Mitchell Report- The Bombshell MLB Drug Investigation

    Roger Clemens- yes, as in the Rocket; Andy Pettitte; and home run leader Barry Bonds among others- both current and former Major League Baseball players- are named in a report by former US Senator George J. Mitchell (D-Maine) as users of performance-enhancing drugs. Also named is the Bay Area Laboratory Co-Operative (BALCO), as the distributor.

    These very findings could shake up Major League Baseball as we know it. More stringent drug testing, and an even shorter rope.

    Click on the title for the full 311 page report, courtesy of The Smoking Gun.

    (C) 2007, by Darren W. Alexander. All Rights reserved.

    Thursday, December 06, 2007

    Omaha Mall Shooting

    acnielsen62/, Omaha, NE

    Nine people dead.
    A troubled teenager.
    Happy Christmas shopping disrupted.

    Robert A. Hawkins, 19, of Bellevue, Nebraska, was fired from a McDonald's; went through a romantic break-up; and had troubles in his life.

    It would be easy to ask, why? Why did Hawkins take his frustrations out on people- eight of them dead, several others injured- before taking his own life?

    What more could have been done to help this young man? Apparently, everyone who tried to help him did all they could, but was this too little too late?

    It's easy to point blame and fingers, but instead of playing the blame game, I think it's time to look to solutions. Answers. Sure, I'm not advocating putting metal detectors into malls, and having armed guards posted at the door- hell, there may have been armed guards there and still, eight people lost their lives- but something has to be done to make sure a tragedy such as the one at Westwood Mall doesn't happen again. If it means metal detectors and armed guards, so be it. If it means 100 police officers...who knows?

    Right now, there are no easy answers.
    Just pain.
    And questions.

    May the nine dead- including the shooter, Robert Hawkins- rest in peace. Sure, it's easy for many to condemn the shooter. But, if in death he finds his peace, then may he rest in peace.

    For continuing coverage of this tragedy, click on the title, where you'll be connected to KETV-TV, the Hearst-Argyle owned ABC affiliate in Omaha.
    (C) 2007, by Darren W. Alexander. All Rights Reserved.

    Thursday, November 29, 2007

    Bank Robber Wins $1 Million- Should He Get to Keep the Winnings?

    A Hyannis, Massachusetts man goes into a convenience store, spends $10 on a scratch-off ticket (here in the Beaver State, we call them 'scratch-its'). He wins the top prize of $1 Million.

    $1 Million! That's awesome! That's $50,000 a year, before taxes.

    But here's where things get weird: the prize winner is a convicted bank robber. And the man- Timothy Elliot, 55- may not get to keep the winnings, if the judge who handled his bank robbery cases decides so. Elliot was convicted of two bank robberies and was sent to a mental hospital after each conviction. Elliot could go back to jail for violating his probation- which had terms that he was not to gamble in any form.

    Even stranger- the Massachusetts Lottery says that technically, Elliot could play and win the prize.

    Look, Elliot made mistakes. Yes, he pled guilty to the two robberies. But, come on! This time, he won a prize- fair and square, I must add. So, my take on this is this:

    1. Take out whatever amount he owes on probation and fines out of his lottery check, part of it at least- and of course, taxes- and let him keep the remainder of it. Here's how the math goes: He'll get, let's say $35,000 after taxes. Okay, the state and Mr. Elliot's probation office split the $17,500, Tim Elliot keeps the remaining $17,500. No fuss. No muss. Help him with money management. Have him maintain an account in a bank (however, I don't recommending using any of the banks he allegedly robbed). Or...
    2. Given that the same goddamned family that threw him away now wants to welcome him back with open arms, get at least one trustworthy member to help him out (but, of course, even the 'trustworthy' one may not be know how it is with so-called friends- you look like shit and nobody loves you. You hit it big in the lottery or any other financial windfall break, everyone wants to suck your dick/eat your advice- MOVE OUT OF TOWN!...).

    Now what I would've done- if I were in Mr. Elliot's shoes- is taken the lumps sum- probably $500,000. After taxes, about $350,000. Let the probation office take about $105,000, which leaves Mr. Elliot $245,000. And I'd hire an accountant to help him with what I suggested in the latter part of #1 above. And I'd probably leave the state. Pay the $105,000 to the probation office, end the probation, and leave the state of Tax-sachussetts- too many bad memories.

    Of course, this could turn out like the NBC hit comedy, My Name is Earl. Just watch out for that ex-wife...and that kin as well.

    In January 2008, this blog will go under a new name- and I'll probably change that web address as well (I'm ironing out the details...).
    (C) 2007, by Darren W. Alexander. All Rights Reserved.

    Friday, November 02, 2007

    Will Joe Torre Bring a World Series Ring to Los Angeles?

    A better question: Will the New York Yankees regret ever letting the best thing that has ever happened to them go? Or in this case, the best manager outside, say, the late Billy Martin, they ever had?

    Joe Torre has accepted a three-year, $13 million deal with the Los Angeles Dodgers. Now, whether that move will bring the former Brooklyn Dodgers, yet another pennant or no, that remains to be seen. But, the powers-that-be knew that Torre was a very hot commodity- bringing four World Series rings to the Bronx, plus numerous American League titles. One that's way too good to pass up.

    But Joe grew up a loyal New Yorker- he even got pissed when 'dem bums' moved from Brooklyn- so, how will he get used to the west coast, its' sunshine and the Dodgers organization itself? Will the Dodgers be the next 'America's team' under Torre? Or is it time for the once-great Yankee manager to call it quits?

    Oh, the questions that perplex us baseball fans.

    TM & Copyright (C) 2007, by Darren W. Alexander. All Rights Reserved.

    Another 'Anti-Gay' Politician Bites the Dust

    Let's see here...Ted Haggard- the Colorado preacher...Larry Craig, the Idaho Senator...Mark Foley obviously likes little teen aged boys (only he forgot to tell Amerixca's most Wanted host John Walsh that).

    And now, another so-called anti-gay politician has bitten the dust


    You know, this song is becoming the theme for every politician who has went against gay rights, but forgot to mention that he or she prefers lovers of the same sex. Having said this, this Washington state representative was reportedly seen going into an adult film store- in a dress, nonetheless!- and getting a blow job from some young boytoy.


    Two days ago, Washington state representative Richard Curtis, R-LaCenter, called it quits after news surfaced of his alleged trysts with a couple young men. Now, one of these young men, 26-year-old Cody Castagna is accused of trying to extort money from Curtis. Castagna allegedly told Curtis that he would tell wifey-poo that ol' Dick- sorry, I couldn't pass up the pun- that he liked dick (I just can't seem to get away from that word) if ol' Dick didn't pay up. Castagna on the other hand, says that ol' Dick Curtis was just trying to keep his little canoodling with boytoys, shall we say, in the closet.

    Now, if Curtis turns out to be gay, the worst that can happen is he gets divorce papers. But, if Cody diud try to extort Mr. Curtis, then Cody should face the judicial music likewise. But, with Representative Curtis' resignation- just like U.S. senator Larry Craig before him (this is before Craig did a 180, and decided to fight for his seat...sigh!)- it appears that what's happening is that we have yet another politician (and/or preacher) who votes against gay rights, yet wants to keep his/her little same sex trysts under wraps.

    A bit hypocritical, if you ask me. But you can never tell these knuckleheaded Bible-thumping, homophobic types that, can you?

    TM & Copyright (C) 2007, by Darren W. Alexander. All Rights Reserved.

    Friday, October 19, 2007

    Who Will Take Joe Torre's Place?

    After twelve seasons, and four World Series titles, New York Yankees manager Joe Torre has called it quits yesterday. Just about a week ago, the Yankees failed to make it past the American League Divisional Series, getting defeated by the Boston Red Sox- who, by the way, forced a sixth game in the ALCS, after beating Cleveland 7-1 last night at Jacobs Field in Cleveland.

    You know that the pressure was on Torre, especially over the past couple of seasons. Last year, they failed to stop the once lowly Detroit Tigers from going to the World Series. And before that, of course in 2004, they blew a 3-0 lead in the ALCS to the team that won the 2004 World Series champion- and a team that could very well win the 2007 World Series (provided that they get past the National League champion, Colorado Rockies)- those pesky Red Sox.

    King George Steinbrenner gave Torre an offer- manage for another year for $5 Million, with incentives worth $3 Million, and $8 Million vesting option, if the Yanks return to and win the World Series.

    No dice, Joe sez.

    So, he walked away. And it may have been the smartest thing he ever did in the dozen years he's been with the Yankees. The relationship between Torre and Steinbrenner have been chaotic at best. In the seven years since winning the last World Series, George has been breathing down Joe's neck, with that steam getting a lot hotter over that period. Torre's walking away couldn't have happened at a better time. The front office itself is in flux- George's two sons Hal and Hank are handling day to day operations. George- who is 77- is ailing. It looks like the Yankees will be rebuilding next year.

    So, the $64,000 question: Who gets to put up with George Steinbrenner next year? Who will be in the hot seat as the Yankees new manager?

    A few possibilities:

    : For thirteen seasons, Mattingly has served as the Yankees' bench coach. Some would say that he's a shoo-in for the job.
    JOE GIRALDI: The fired Florida Marlins manager was named National League manager of the year last year.
    TONY La RUSSA: St. Louis manager has brought one (World Series) title to the Gateway city, and he could breathe new life into the Yankees organization. Now if only George & Sons could woo him from the Cardinals' job. And I mean REALLY woo him!
    TREY HILLMAN: He's respected in Japan, but he's pretty much a wild card here in the US. And the Yankees' front office- and the Bronx, for that matter- is a tough bunch to please. He really has to have the conjones to handle the managerial duties of the House and Team that Babe Built.

    Whoever the Yanks choose, a lot will ride on that person to bring several more world pennants to the Bronx.

    Copyright (C) 2007, by Darren W. Alexander. All Rights Reserved.

    Tuesday, October 16, 2007

    The Countdown to Leopard

    In ten days, Apple will release the latest version of Mac OS X, Leopard. In the clips that follow, here's what's expected in Leopard.(All clips: dell1032/, Inc., unless otherwise noted)

    First, the desktop.


    Quick Look (gaelmacman/, Inc.)

    Time Machine:

    Mail: (barnux/, Inc.)

    There is a lot more to Leopard, and you can be sure that on October 26, at 6:00PM, I'll be in line to get my copy.

    Copyright (C) 2007, by Darren W. Alexander.
    All Rights Reserved.

    Mac OS X, Leopard, are Trademarks and Copyright (C) 2007 by Apple, Inc.

    Thursday, October 11, 2007

    Nobody Loved Asa

    Two days prior to yesterday's shooting at Success Tech High School, in the city center of Cleveland, Ohio, Asa Coon was suspended for fighting with another student. On Wednesday, he shot four people- none of them seriously- then shot himself to death.


    Asa Coon walked in the school Wednesday, and caused rampage and chaos. But this rampage and chaos had a beginning- at home.

    Asa was abused- I don't know if both parents abused him, or if just one of them did. But then Asa apparently retaliated by striking his mother numerous times, and he was placed on probation and placed in a juvenile detention hall.

    But Wednesday's events has students, parents, teachers, and the Cleveland school superintendent scratching their head over why this happened. Angry parents petitioned for the Success Tech school to have more security guards, given its' central city location and most of the student body being of low income students.

    More lives could have been lost in this.

    Still, I mourn for the one troubled 14-year-old soul who appeared to be lost from the day he was born.

    Copyright (C) 2007, by Darren W. Alexander. All Rights Reserved.

    Monday, October 08, 2007

    What a Pest!

    There is this guy...I won't say his name, but I'm tempted to because hew his fucking irritating. In fact, sometimes I wonder if the Almighty Jehovah has brought this guy on the planet just to irk folks.

    There are times when i just want to strangle this cat. A friend of mine- again, no names, please, tells me that he can't help the way he is. He's allegedly has emotional and mental disabilities.

    Horse pucky!

    This guy can get under the nails at times, as if he continuously scratches those claws on the chalkboard. All. Fucking. Day. Long.

    It's ridiculous! Maddening.

    I'd better stop while I'm ahead, lest I punch the computer screen.

    Don't get me wrong. I don't hate the man- it's just not Christian (or Muslim, for that matter. Tell that to the latter group ) to hate- but there are things that I strongly dislike about the man. He walks around like he has nothing better to do; he has a severe case of ADHD; he talks too loud...need I go on?

    Where's my Sig Hauer? where's my Smith & Wesson?

    I'm beginning to think twice about letting that concealed carry permit expire. I meant to renew it, but...well, I can still get another one.

    And hopefully, I won't have to take my weapons out. But if he keeps it up...

    Copyright (C) 2007, by Darren W. Alexander. All Rights Reserved.

    Wednesday, October 03, 2007

    We, The People of the Dis-United States of America

    Is the United States in danger of losing a few states?

    As I was about to check my e-mail this morning, I saw thgis interesting articler on a couple of groups that were advocating seceding from the Union. The League of the South, which believes in southern sovergnity and conservative values, and the Middlebury Institute, a liberal secessionist group which believes that the War on Terror is wrong, and rthe federal government has become a bit too imperialistic, are meeting today and Thursday in Chattanooga, Tennessee to talk about secession.

    It must be added that the US Constitution does not prohibit secession, but few say that it may actually work.

    There are over 25 secessionist groups in this country- beside the two, there's the Second Vermont Republic, a liberal group that's protesting the War in Iraq, and rising oil prices. Plus, there are several in Hawaii- notably because it's been purported that the hawaiians are regretting their ever joining the Union in 1959- and Alaska; South Carolina, and several other places.

    So, living here in most liberal Oregon, I wonder if we shoukd secede from the Union, and either form our our nation, or become Canada's 11th province. After all, we have policies similiar to the Canadians, notably:

    • A belief that there should be health care for all
    • Land growth restrictions- the urban growth boundary here in Portland being a prime example

    Of course, should Oregon become Canadian, we'd have to institute same-sex marriage- Oregon voted against it in 2004, but we will have a Domestic Partnership law come January 1, 2008. We would be part of Canada's health care system; and we'd probably have automatic Canadian citizenship.

    But being American, I don't think too many Oregonians would go for that. Still, though, it's just a thought.

    Going back to the three groups- League of the South; Second Vermont Republic; and Middlebury Institute- the LoS reportedly wants to impose conservative Christian values; and restrict immigration, cracking down harder on illegal ailens. Its' president, Michael Hill, says that the LoS allows people of all racial groups, but Hill himself advocates outlawing interracial marriage and restricting abortion. The website to his group is (note: this author tried to go to this site this morning, but after numerous attempts, failed).

    The two more liberal groups, the Middlebury Institute- and the Second Vermont Republic- - are against the war on terror and what they believe is a federal government that's becoming more like Big Brother. All three groups believe that we can secede peacefully, as opposed to the Civil War some 145 years ago.

    Perhaps in several years, I'll either find myself being a Canadian citizen- or a citizen of an independent Oregon (or California) republic.

    Copyright (C) 2007, by Darren W. Alexander. All Rights Reserved.

    Monday, October 01, 2007

    Harry Lee- A Louisiana Legend 1932-2007

    Dj0287/, New Orleans, Louisiana

    The footage you've just seen is from WDSU-TV, the NBC affiliate in New Orleans . The man warning people to leave from the path of Hurricane Katrina is Jefferson Parish Sheriff Harry Lee.

    He was born the son of Chinese immigrants in 1932, in New Orleans, in the back room of his parents laundromat on Carondolet Street. At the time of his passing this morning, he had a 40 year career in law, from being a federal magistrate, to becoming an attorney of Jefferson Parish, Louisiana, and in 1979, began his 28-year run as Jefferson Parish Sheriff.

    He was colorful, a shoot-from-the-hip guy. Definitely a stand up person. Controversial at thimes and at odds with some of his constituents. The good. The bad. The take-no-bullshit kind of guy.

    All of this was Harry Lee.

    Lee was one of eight children of Bing and Yip Shee Lee, and graduated from Nicholls High. His parents ran a laundromat on Carondolet Street in what is now the Warehouse District. He attended Louisiana State University, and graduated in 1956 with a Bachelor of Science degree. He joined the US Air Force and served as a Lieutenant in the Strategic AAir Command; then later served in the Judge Advocate's Office. In 1987, he retired with the rank of Brigadier General.

    Upon returning from active duty- being discharged honorably in 1959- he returned to his family restaurant, The House of Lee. In 1964, he was elected president of the New Orleans chapter of the Louisiana Restaurant Association. He was instrumental in the peaceful integration of New Orleans restaurants in 1964, when the Civil Rights Act of 1964 was put into place. It was also at this time, he had studied law at Loyola University. In 1967, he graduated and ran a law practiced in Gretna- across the Mississippi from New Orleans' Garden District. In 1971, he was appointed federal magistrate for the Eastern District of Louisiana. After resigning from that post in 1975, he was appointed Parish Attorney.

    In 1979, Sheriff Al Cronvich was embroiled in a wiretapping scandal. Lee saw this as a chance to enter elected office, and he was elected with 57 percent of the vote.

    Lee sometimes got himself involved in controversy. At times, He's been accused of being racist- using black crime as examples from time to time. But his black supporters saw through the smoke and found Lee to be inclusive.


    Still, during Hurricane Katrina in 2005, he and Jefferson Parish officials were criticized for keeping evacuees from Orleans Parish to enter the (Jefferson) parish city of Gretna.

    At the time of his passing, Lee was running for an eighth term as sheriff. His opponents were the police chief of Harahan, Peter Dale, and Harvey contractor Julio Castillo. He qualified for the October 20 election. Louisiana law requires qualifying to reopen if a candidate dies before the election. The election for Jefferson Parish sheriff has been moved to November.

    At 10:44AM Central Time (8:44AM Pacific Time), Jefferson Parish lost one of its' most popular and outspoken law enforcement officers. Harry Lee died at Oschner Medical Center, in Jefferson, about a mile from the Orleans-Jefferson Parish line. Harry Lee was never into political correctness, instead, being brutally honest if need be. Jefferson Parish and its' residents never had to worry about rampant crime under his watch.

    Harry Lee will be missed.

    Copyright (C) 2007, by Darren W. Alexander. All Rights Reserved.

    Wednesday, September 26, 2007

    What's The Matter, Black Folks? Can't Take a Compliment

    The Reverend Al Sharton had dinner with a radio talk host- I'll reveal his name in a moment- at Sylvia's in Harlem. This talk show host made a comment that Sylvia's is no different than any restaurant in Little Italy. This host commented that the people were respectful, and no one caused so much of a stir (other than their entrance).

    This same talk show host made a point that a lot of black people are beginning to think for themselves, and are "steering away from the Jessie Jacksons and Al Sharptons." Which sounds like a complement to me, given that both Jackson and Sharpton are pretty much hate and fear mongerers.

    The talk show host is none other than Bill O'Reilly, of The Radio Factor and Fox News' O'Reilly Factor.

    And now his comments are drawing criticism from liberal radio powerhouse Air America and some in the black press. Media Matters, a liberal watchdog group called the comments ignorant and racially charged.

    Ignorant and racially charged? Wait a sec. You mean to tell me that Mr. O'Reilly's comments on the civility of his visit to Sylvia's, and his going to a recent Anita Baker concert was racially charged?


    Sure, O'Reilly criticizes hip hop and gangsta rap- and he has a right to his opinions. But O'Reilly was saying that black folks are pretty much making progress in society. Of course, not everything's hunky-dory, but at least he's saying that the African-American segment- at least the majority of them- are doing quite fine.

    Be happy, guys.

    Copyright (C) 2007, by Darren W. Alexander. All Rights Reserved.

    Tuesday, September 18, 2007

    Senator Sues God

    In Lincoln, Nebraska- the state capital- a state senator is suing the Almighty- who goes by the names God; Higher Power; Jehovah; Yahweh; Allah; Buddah; or even Satan- for acts such as making terroristic threats; causing inter Alia (among other things) disasters such as tornadoes; hurricanes; earthquakes; etc.

    The point Ernie Chambers, 70, Democrat representative for the 11th District of Nebraska is trying to make, allegedly, is to prove that anyone can sue God.

    So, if I want to, I can sue the Almighty on grounds that he/she has denied work for me and kept me from making billions of dollars, right?

    Or I can sue my Jehovah's Witness mother for that. She's the one who bitched when I awed over Sly Stallone's house (when Oprah interviewed Sly on one of her show's episode).

    Just a couple of thoughts, folks.

    You can go directly to the PDF copy of this suit by click here:

    Copyright (C) 2007, by Darren W. Alexander. All Rights Reserved.

    Wednesday, September 12, 2007

    West Virginia- A Hotbed of Hate?

    West Virginia is not exactly known as a friendly place for black folks- though the last time I went (this was about 22 years ago)- I didn't make out too badly. Then again, I was in Madison, a pretty integrated community at the time.

    But even though West Virginia is known for hillbillies and rednecks, and card-holding Ku Klux Klan members, a crime so horrific has happened in the coal mining country of Logan County. One that may even shock the white supremacist fringe of society.

    For a week, 20-year-old Megan Williams was kidnapped; repeatedly raped; and forced to eat dog and rat feces, as her captors beat her and broke at least one arm, and cut her hair.

    Now, 49-year-old Frankie Brewster; along with her 24-year-old son, Bobby; Karen Burton, 46; Burton's 23-year-old daughter Alisha; George Messer, 27; and Danny Combs, 20 are facing numerous charges, including possible hate crimes- Ms. Williams is black; all of the accused are white, and have criminal records.

    What drove six people to kidnap a woman, one who probably- judging from her age- is a college student? What was the reason- or reasons- behind the vicious acts of savagery? Why, even in 2007, does hatred for other races and/or cultures exist, that's beyond the comphrension of many, myself included.

    Sure, the people of the unincorporated community of Big Creek- and Logan County, in general- say that they're shocked. I cannot help but wonder if they're genuinely shocked over the vicious crime- that may possibly be a hate crime- happened in their own backyard. Or that they're shocked that the apparently rampant racism itself may have been exposed, like a hemorrhaging wound that just won't go away.

    Only in West Virginia, I suppose...

    Click on the title for the link from WSAZ-TV, which has continuing coverage on this.

    Copyright (C)2007, by Darren W. Alexander. All Rights Reserved.

    Tuesday, September 11, 2007

    Brigitte Harris Deserves Justice


    I came across the stories in Village Voice- we get it a bit late here on the left coast- and find the story of Brigitte Harris, a 26-year-old of Liberian descent very troubling. The accounts of sexual assault at the hands of her father and the subsequent killing and castration of him, almost too much to stomach. But the thing here is that my tears are not shedding for the father. He was the man who was protect his daughters from the very monstrous thing he has allegedly did. He was the provider and parent, granted, but what Eric Goodridge had done, according to Carleen Goodridge, Brigitte's sister, was anything except human.

    And now Brigitte is facing manslaughter and second-degree murder charges.

    Many personalities are coming to her aid, and I hope that after reading the stories at the link I've provided ( just click on the title) and from the stories at, you come to her aid as well. I know that I will as soon as I can.

    Copyright (C)2007, by Darren W. Alexander, All Rights Reserved.

    Run, Sam, Run!

    Portland, Oregon mayor Tom Potter has announced that he will not run for re-election- that tremor you hear is KXL talk show host Lars Larson jumping up and down with joy over the mayor's decision.

    This, of course, opens the floodwater of possible candidates that will vie for the office in 2008.

    One person is a friend of Potter's, Roy Jay, who heads the African-American Chamber of Commerce here in town. Should he seek and eventually win, he'll be Portland's first black mayor. "Everybody has to buy into this great American dream, he says.

    Another is developer, and reserve police captain Bob Ball, who is heavy into historic preservation. "Portlanders want to protect the values that are important to them," Ball says.

    But the virtual shoo-in for the office already works for city hall- and upon decision, will likely make Portlanders forget the other two.

    Commissioner Sam Adams. He's young- he's my age (40); vibrant. And no doubt, has a vision for this city. What this vision is, Sam will tell you himself.

    Here's why I'm endorsing him: he's a breath of fresh air. The fact that he's openly gay doesn't detract from the fact that he can bring Portland forward. If anything, his gayness is probably one of his strengths, on the account that Portland is a very LGBTQ-friendly city. It's a city where same sex couples can openly hold hands without risk of harassment or violence (of course, should said couples get attacked, we have a very strong hate crimes law here). He's the transportation commissioner here- yeah, that Disneyland tram may have gone over cost, but at least TriMet (the regional transit district) still beats the ass off of LA's Metro any day. Our roads could use a bit of improvement, and in due time, this will happen.

    The last three mayors, Bud Clark; Vera Katz; and the current mayor Tom Potter, were elected when they were over the age of 50 (Potter is the youngest at 67; Katz is 74; and the still much-beloved- and won't be slowing down anytime soon- John E. 'Bud' Clark is 75). Clark served two terms; Katz, served three; and Potter will just stick to one. When- and if- Sam Adams runs and wins, he'll be 41. Not saying that the last three were gasbags, but I think we could use a bit of youth at 1221 SW 4th Avenue. A bit of energy and new life. However long Sam will last in the office, who knows? But one thing is for certain- at least in this blogger's mind- Sam Adams will be Portland's next mayor.

    Run, Sam, Run!

    Copyright (C)2007, by Darren W. Alexander. All Rights Reserved.

    Where Were You On That September Morning?


    Six years ago today, the most horrific attack- thus far- came upon this land. As you saw in the clip, the United flight 175 crashed right into the south tower, just minutes after American 11 hit the north tower. Terrorist connected with al-Qaida commandeered the planes, and those of United 93- where a brave four attempted to retake control- which later crashed into a field outside Shanksville, Pennsylvania .and American 77 crashed the east side of the Pentagon in Washington, DC.

    What was supposed to be an election day in the Big Apple- New Yorkers were to elect a new mayor that day- had turned into a day not unlike the attack on Pearl Harbor, Hawaii, some 60 years before. 2,974 souls were lost on September 11, 2001- earlier estimates put the figures as high as 50,000- including firemen; policemen; investment bankers; and other workers and civilians.

    For this author, it was another day- in New Orleans, Louisiana.

    A number of us worked for this day labor staffing agency, Temps Today, and we were at the Louisiana Superdome, cleaning up the aisles in preparation for the home opener against the San Francisco 49ers, which was to commence that succeeding Sunday.

    At about 10:30AM, or 11:00AM Central Time, the supervisor, Mary Wilson- no relation to the member of the legendary Motown group, the Supremes- gave the order to everyone to drop everything, stop what we were doing, and evacuate the Superdome. My first thought, of course, was that somewhere in the facility, there was a fire. So, after we had put our supplies away and had out tickets signed, I went to the Wendy's across the street (on Poydras Street), then went to the Duncan Plaza, which is between the City Hall and the main library (the Louisiana Supreme Court building is on the grounds of Duncan Plaza). I turned on the radio, and this was the first that I heard of the towers falling- or at least one of them. The gravity of the situation hadn't quite yet hit me. As I was listening to the news, I saw signs on the buses- both the NORTA (New Orleans Regional Transit Authority) and JeT (Jefferson Parish Transit Administration)- reading either emergency of evacuation. So somehow, something may have happened somewhere in downtown New Orleans.

    About 1:00PM, I went to the main library, and got on line shortly thereafter.

    What I saw on the WABC-TV, ABC 7 website nearly brought up that supersized Wendy's lunch.

    Debris and smoke all over. People running away. The plane flying into the south tower. The subsequent collapse of both building and a few surrounding structures as well.

    What person would not be affected by those images?


    In the intervening days, I saw images of retaliation everywhere. One truck I came across had a message that still sticks in my mind six years later: WE'RE GONNA GET YOU! That same truck had the words R.I.P. WTC. I drew a picture of a cross-eyed Osama bin Laden upon seeing that.

    Just weeks later, my- and basically America's- worst fears were confirmed when I watched a smiling bin Laden talk about how he masterminded the attacks on American soil. My blood boiled, teeth gritted. Fists balled up.

    Of course, we've since went to war on terrorism, both in Afghanistan and Iraq.

    No matter what party you belong to. And no matter how you stand on this war. The fact remains that we have an enemy who wants to wipe America right off the map. Not just our way of like, the way of freedom and democracy, but everyone on it. We have an enemy out there who wants to bring its' version of Islam worldwide. One where women have no rights. One where dissent brings death. One where you're pretty much under Islamic martial law.

    And Osama bin Laden wants America to embrace Islam. Even if we did- and in many respects, we do embrace 'the religion of peace', just not bin Laden's idea of it- what makes anyone think that he won't still try to bring us Americans to our knees? Think about it.

    Those who want to bring our troops home fail to realize this. Sure, they hate President George W. Bush- and to be honest, I don't think too highly of the man myself. However, I stand by him when it comes to this war- but the question I ask is would you much rather have the Islamofascists come on our shores and defecate on our American constitution and freedom? Or would you rather let our troops do their jobs, stop the insurgents and al-Qaida/Hezbollah/Hamas types over there?

    We must stay the course, no matter the cost. We must not lose this fight against terrorism. We must bring the terrorists down. And we will. Right down to the last drop of terrorist blood.

    Copyright (C)2007, by Darren W. Alexander. All Rights Reserved.

    Monday, September 10, 2007

    Note to Steve Jobs: NO APOLOGIES NEEDED!

    First of all, I commend Apple CEO Steve Jobs for wanting to do what he feels is the right thing, by offering $100 to iPhone owners who bought the product in late June, before last week's price cuts.

    Other than this, I feel that Jobs owes no one an apology. After all, Mr. Jobs didn't put a gun to the throngs of people who wanted to be first to get the iPhone, which is indeed a breakthrough product. The $599 price for the 8GB model was the right price at the time, and the price cuts last week was the right decision made by Apple and AT&T.

    To those folks who wanted to be 'the first in line': it's your damn fault! It's this 'me first' attitude of yours that caused your gripe. It's your wanting to be the first in line that caused you to be dissatisfied with what Steve Jobs' decision. That dissatisfaction brought on by, not Mr. Jobs, but the early buyers themselves. You buyers did this to yourselves. DEAL WITH IT!

    (C)2007, by Darren W. Alexander. All Rights Reserved.

    Friday, September 07, 2007

    The Roommates Keep Turning Up Dead

    If anyone happens to look in the want ads for a roommate, you may want to avoid this man.

    In a period of a year, two- count em'! TWO- roommates have been found dead at a trendy SoHo district apartment in Manhattan. In the same bedroom, no doubt.

    The first death, the man- whose name wasn't released- discovered that female roommate dead in the third floor, two-bedroom flat on Crosby Street. The cause of death in that case was narcotics.

    This death, however, was a stabbing.

    This roommate- also female- was found by the same man Wednesday. Her body was decaying.

    Police arrested 40 year old Juan Rios, who was the boyfriend of the boyfriend of the 36-year-old victim, Denise Deperrie. In July he was charged with assault, when he allegedly punched her; broke her nose; and cut her leg, chin, and neck with a sword. The sword was never recovered.

    It appears to me that this guy has major woman troubles, or he's just deranged in the first place.

    So, ladies, if you happen to look for a roommate, just remember the name Juan Rios, and avoid him by all costs- unless you like being cut by swords.

    The link to this story from NBC 4 is provided.

    (C)2007, by Darren W. Alexander. All Rights Reserved.

    Did Madeline's Mother Kill Little Madeline?

    A report, from New York's WNBC, mentions that the parents of the missing 4-year-old Madeline McCann, at least the mother, may be a suspect in the disappearnace, and possible death of the little girl. Madeline turned up missing in May of this year from the rental car her family used to drive to Portugal.

    Portuguese police questioned Kate McCann for more than three hours today, after a second day of questioning. Police say that little Maddie may have been killed accidentally, according to the girl's aunt. This after new forensic evidence had turned up.

    The link to this story is provided.

    (C)2007, by Darren W. Alexander. All Rights Reserved.

    Thursday, September 06, 2007

    Luciano Pavarotti- Un Apprezzamento


    He loved his opera. He loved his women- he was married two times.

    He was flamboyant in all he did.

    The accolades about the man born in Modena, Italy on October 12, 1935, are far too many in this short time to explain. The thing is that no one has made more impact on the opera world, let alone the music world itself- not unlike the late Beverly Sills (whom we lost just weeks ago)- than Luciano Pavarotti. His rich voice has hypnotized audiences around the world for over 50 years, and he has graced kings, queens, presidents, and even rock stars with his presence. He was like the rock and pop stars he worked with- U2; Vanessa Williams; the late James Brown and countless others. He was the only opera star to be a musical guest on NBC's
    Saturday Night Live. And for years, he hosted a charity event, Pavarotti and Friends, which benefited children and families living in poverty.

    In short, he was the son of a baker, whose tenor at the local church captivated the young Luciano. He played soccer- football, as they call it in Europe- in his youth.

    He studied to be a teacher, and worked as an elementary school teacher, and an insurance salesman but his musical temptations overtook him. He studied under Arrigo Pola, a respected teacher in Modena, working part time at the aforementioned jobs to support himself.

    He began singing throughout opera houses in Europe, beginning in 1961, with the role of Rudolfo in La boheme. Then in 1963, in Vienna, he once again played Rudolfo. His American debut woulss come two years later in Miami, with the Greater Miami Opera, filling in for the scheduled tenor, who was ill. the famed soprano Joan Sutherland recommended young Luciano, since he was well acquainted with the role in Donizetti's Lucia di Lammermoor. n 1969, he scored another major triumph when he sang I Lombardi opposite Renata Scotto. This was recorded and widely distributed throughout the world. In 1972, in a production of La fille du regiment, at the Met, the crowd gave continuous standing ovations when Pavarotti hit nine high Cs effortlessly, receiving a record 17 record curtain calls.

    In the 1990s, he co-formed The Three Tenors with Placido Domingo and Jose Carreras.

    Even as he stayed true to his opera roots, he worked along other musical artists from almost every genre. Trisha Yearwood from the country music world; the late James Brown; the late Barry White, as this ovation worthy clip shows:


    and many others in the soul world. Celine Dion:


    As you can see, he was very fluent in English, as well as other languages.

    But whoever he worked with, he always held his own. He enjoyed rock star status that rivaled any.

    But one of his favorite artists to work with was the Irish rock band U2:


    This morning, that wonderful voice has been silenced by an advanced stage of pancreatic cancer. The golden voice from Modena died in the city of his birth. His second wife, his former personal assistant Nicoletta Mantovani, his sister; and his four daughters- three from his first marriage to Auda Veroni and He was 71.

    In closing, I conclude this tribute with this electrifying footage of Pavarotti singing James Brown's It's A Man's World- with the Godfather of Soul himself


    Resto nella pace, Luciano.

    (C)2007, by Darren W. Alexander. All Rights Reserved.

    Fred Thompson Makes Presidential Run Official

    Actor-turned-senator-turned-actor-again Fred Thompson is returning back to the political life.

    Thompson, 65, has made it official on the same NBC late night TV show another actor-turned-politician used just years back.

    On The Tonight Show with Jay Leno, Thompson ended the 'will he or won't he' speculation, and began his campaign for the office of president. Upon winning, he'll be the 44th President of the United States. Of course, he's going to have to go through his fellow Republicans- Mitt Rommney and Rudolph Giuliani are the front runners right now- and then the Democratic candidates, which right now Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama are the front runners in the Democratic race.

    This morning, Thompson made his announcement on his website, which I have the link to.

    Thompson's entry, no doubt makes this race- particularly in the Republican primary races- much more interesting


    I doubt seriously that any of his campaign speeches will be anything like the ones his character in the clip (above from the late 1980s CBS crime drama series Wiseguy), but Thompson is running on a conservative platform, advocating pro-life principles, and staying the course in the current war on terrorism.

    How will Thompson do over the next 14 months? Only time will tell.

    But for the former federal prosecutor; actor; and senator, this Democratic blogger can only say that he's watching him pretty closely. After all, thus far, I'm endorsing one of your fellow Republicans- Ron Paul. If Paul pulls out of the race, and I feel that you will respect the pro-choice, and gay rights , and of course, the first and second amendments, then I'll consider endorsing you, Fred.

    Thus far, I haven't found a fellow Democratic candidate I can trust yet. But that's neither here nor there.

    (C)2007, by Darren W. Alexander. All Rights Reserved.

    Admitted Pedophile- NOT WELCOME IN PORTLAND, OREGON!

    Jack McClellan, who admits to having a sexual attraction to prepubescent girls, taking photos of them, and posting them on the net, has found a new city of residence.

    Unfortunately, he's chosen Portland, Oregon.

    The story's on the KATU-TV website. I have a link here. Just click on the title.

    True, there is this bumper sticker- and movement- that says Keep Portland Weird. When we say Keep Portland Weird, we mean "don't turn us into San Francisco or snobs. Keep us friendly, offbeat, unique.

    And the aforementioned three DO NOT include pedophile-friendly.

    This guy says that he lives in his car. Knowing this, I say that upon finding it, burn it- with Mr. McClellan in it! And that is no joke!

    I don't want this man in my city! I'm not a parent, but if I were, I'd be very wary of having this asshole around my town. And if I were to see him taking photos of my kids, I'd shove that camera- be it a cell phone camera, or digital camera- up his ass, punch his lights out, and put him someplace where even I won't be able to remember where I put his carcass.

    This man has no place in this city. So, Mr. McClellan, consider yourself forewarned. You better pray that the police run you out of town before a vigilante mob gets to you. If you happen to get killed, I won't be shedding any tears for you.

    In fact, if I'm lucky, I'll be there to watch you burn. And I won't guarantee that I won't have a hand in your demise, either.

    (C)2007, by Darren W. Alexander. All Rights Reserved.

    Wednesday, September 05, 2007

    Perhaps I Should Become a Wiccan- At Least I'll Win the Lottery!

    40 year old Elwood 'Bunky' Barlett, of Maryland, was one of the four winners of the $330 Million Mega Millions jackpot. He gets about $32 million after taxes.

    But the amazing thing here is that Bunky credits Wicca for his win. He prayed to the universe and said, in his prayer/mantra that if he wins the lottery, he will devote his life to teaching Wicca.

    Apparently, he's staying true to his word.

    And has myself- a Christian- asking if I should abandon Christianity, and embrace other forms of worship. Now, I'm not saying that I'll go into Satan worship or anything, but having been basically screwed over by the Jehovah's Witnesses and Southern Baptists- both very conservative and (I must add, homophobic)- religions, and other so-called 'nondenominational, charismatic churches, I'm beginning to wonder if Jesus really is the personal savior and Messiah many believe him to be.

    I question sometimes the existence of God, but then again, who doesn't?

    Thing is, I'm leaning toward atheism, or at least, becoming a humanist.

    I may even become a full-fledged Wiccan- I've practiced it a bit of it before- and found it to be more inclusive than organized Christianity. Though, to be honest, Christianity is becoming more disorganized by the second, it seems.

    It appears that Christianity is indeed a dying breed. And part of me is in no hurry to come to its' aid.

    (C)2007, by Darren W. Alexander. All Rights Reserved.