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    Friday, December 21, 2007

    Women Weaken Legs (They Also Sexually Assualt Football Players)

    Singer-actress Jessica Simpson is not- I repeat, NOT!- welcome in the Dallas/Fort Worth Metroplex.

    Ever since Dallas Cowboys quarterback Tony Romo performed at his personal worst in the Cowboys' loss to the Philadelphia eagles on Sunday, everyone- from Cowboys' running back Terrell Owens to just about everyone else- are blaming Romo's failures on the field to a certain not too good of a singer, and even worse actress (but still a fuckable hottie- at least as far as this blogger is concerned).

    T.O. playfully called her out in a recent radio interview.

    But hey, the actress-as-good-luck-charm still works for a certain New England quarterback, though. The Patriots are still undefeated.

    Women- and a Man- Sexually Assault UNC Football Players (, ):

    Two women and a male accomplice are charged with the December 16 attack on three University of North Carolina football players.

    According to Chapel Hill police, the three players- unnamed by the ABC News and WRAL-TV report (which you can click to next to the subtopic title)- were bound by tape, and threatened by a knife. The three, Monique Jenice Taylor, 28; Tnika Monta Washington, 29, and Michael Troy Lewis, 32, are charged with three counts of kidnapping, three counts of conspiracy to commit a felony, and one count of resiting arrest. Washington and Taylor each face additional charges of first degree sexual offense. Lewis faces charges on robbery, possession of stolen goods, and assault on government officials.

    (C)2007 The DWA Organisation (Darren W. Alexander). All Rights Reserved.

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