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    Wednesday, October 03, 2007

    We, The People of the Dis-United States of America

    Is the United States in danger of losing a few states?

    As I was about to check my e-mail this morning, I saw thgis interesting articler on a couple of groups that were advocating seceding from the Union. The League of the South, which believes in southern sovergnity and conservative values, and the Middlebury Institute, a liberal secessionist group which believes that the War on Terror is wrong, and rthe federal government has become a bit too imperialistic, are meeting today and Thursday in Chattanooga, Tennessee to talk about secession.

    It must be added that the US Constitution does not prohibit secession, but few say that it may actually work.

    There are over 25 secessionist groups in this country- beside the two, there's the Second Vermont Republic, a liberal group that's protesting the War in Iraq, and rising oil prices. Plus, there are several in Hawaii- notably because it's been purported that the hawaiians are regretting their ever joining the Union in 1959- and Alaska; South Carolina, and several other places.

    So, living here in most liberal Oregon, I wonder if we shoukd secede from the Union, and either form our our nation, or become Canada's 11th province. After all, we have policies similiar to the Canadians, notably:

    • A belief that there should be health care for all
    • Land growth restrictions- the urban growth boundary here in Portland being a prime example

    Of course, should Oregon become Canadian, we'd have to institute same-sex marriage- Oregon voted against it in 2004, but we will have a Domestic Partnership law come January 1, 2008. We would be part of Canada's health care system; and we'd probably have automatic Canadian citizenship.

    But being American, I don't think too many Oregonians would go for that. Still, though, it's just a thought.

    Going back to the three groups- League of the South; Second Vermont Republic; and Middlebury Institute- the LoS reportedly wants to impose conservative Christian values; and restrict immigration, cracking down harder on illegal ailens. Its' president, Michael Hill, says that the LoS allows people of all racial groups, but Hill himself advocates outlawing interracial marriage and restricting abortion. The website to his group is (note: this author tried to go to this site this morning, but after numerous attempts, failed).

    The two more liberal groups, the Middlebury Institute- and the Second Vermont Republic- - are against the war on terror and what they believe is a federal government that's becoming more like Big Brother. All three groups believe that we can secede peacefully, as opposed to the Civil War some 145 years ago.

    Perhaps in several years, I'll either find myself being a Canadian citizen- or a citizen of an independent Oregon (or California) republic.

    Copyright (C) 2007, by Darren W. Alexander. All Rights Reserved.

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