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    Friday, November 02, 2007

    Will Joe Torre Bring a World Series Ring to Los Angeles?

    A better question: Will the New York Yankees regret ever letting the best thing that has ever happened to them go? Or in this case, the best manager outside, say, the late Billy Martin, they ever had?

    Joe Torre has accepted a three-year, $13 million deal with the Los Angeles Dodgers. Now, whether that move will bring the former Brooklyn Dodgers, yet another pennant or no, that remains to be seen. But, the powers-that-be knew that Torre was a very hot commodity- bringing four World Series rings to the Bronx, plus numerous American League titles. One that's way too good to pass up.

    But Joe grew up a loyal New Yorker- he even got pissed when 'dem bums' moved from Brooklyn- so, how will he get used to the west coast, its' sunshine and the Dodgers organization itself? Will the Dodgers be the next 'America's team' under Torre? Or is it time for the once-great Yankee manager to call it quits?

    Oh, the questions that perplex us baseball fans.

    TM & Copyright (C) 2007, by Darren W. Alexander. All Rights Reserved.

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