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    Friday, September 07, 2007

    The Roommates Keep Turning Up Dead

    If anyone happens to look in the want ads for a roommate, you may want to avoid this man.

    In a period of a year, two- count em'! TWO- roommates have been found dead at a trendy SoHo district apartment in Manhattan. In the same bedroom, no doubt.

    The first death, the man- whose name wasn't released- discovered that female roommate dead in the third floor, two-bedroom flat on Crosby Street. The cause of death in that case was narcotics.

    This death, however, was a stabbing.

    This roommate- also female- was found by the same man Wednesday. Her body was decaying.

    Police arrested 40 year old Juan Rios, who was the boyfriend of the boyfriend of the 36-year-old victim, Denise Deperrie. In July he was charged with assault, when he allegedly punched her; broke her nose; and cut her leg, chin, and neck with a sword. The sword was never recovered.

    It appears to me that this guy has major woman troubles, or he's just deranged in the first place.

    So, ladies, if you happen to look for a roommate, just remember the name Juan Rios, and avoid him by all costs- unless you like being cut by swords.

    The link to this story from NBC 4 is provided.

    (C)2007, by Darren W. Alexander. All Rights Reserved.

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