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    Tuesday, June 30, 2009

    Al Franken Makes Sixty

    The Minnesota Supreme Court has ordered the state to certify Democrat Al Franken's win in the United States senate, which will bring the number of Democrats in the senate to sixty (actually 58 democrats, and two independents). This ends eight months of legal wrangling, in which Republican Norm Coleman attempted to state that voting irregularities in the absentee votes were enough to deny Franken a win. But now that Franken has won, there will be enough votes to stop any filibuster that any Republicans may attempt.

    Franken, a former performer and writer for NBC's "Saturday Night Live", ran for the senate last fall. It was thought that Coleman, former mayor of St. Paul, had won re-election, but Franken fought when an apparent 312 absentee votes were found after election day. Coleman fought to have his win certified.

    Click on the title for the ruling from the Minnesota Supreme Court, courtesy of WCCO-TV.

    (C) 2009 by Darren W. Alexander. All Rights Reserved.

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