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    Wednesday, June 24, 2009

    Nixon Tapes Released

    I'm pro-choice- I'm not going to hide this fact. But when I first heard this excerpt on one of the local stations, KGW NewsChannel 8, I had to do a double spit take. Thankfully, CNN always comes through with what I need to know and hear.

    Never mind that I was still in first grade when Roe V. Wade was decided (on January 22, 1973). The comments that if a, say, black woman got pregnant by a white man (or the argument everybody likes to use- "white woman impregnated by a black man"), that's grounds for terminating the pregnancy. But this is exactly the argument Richard Nixon makes. I could easily say that Mr. Nixon was a racist, but I'm not going to say that. I will say, however, that hearing him mention that interracial babies are scum (though he didn't say it in that exact words, he did have me at "interracial") made my blood boil.

    Nixon, as we all know, was a paranoid fuck who broke into the headquarters of the Democratic National Committee and stole some game plans. Apparently, from what the orders he gave on watching his National Security Adviser (and later Secretary of State) Henry Kissinger, he didn't trust anybody from his own party, either.

    And here I was, thinking that Quakers were friendly people. I still believe this- they just forgot to mention the rotten apple in their ranks.

    (C) 2009 by Darren W. Alexander. All Rights Reserved. Video courtesy of CNN.

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