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    Friday, February 27, 2009

    James Dobson Steps Down- Yeah, Right!

    The ingrown hair in the ass of humanity has stepped down as chairman of the organization known for its love for the LGBTQ (lesbian/gay/bisexual/transgender/questioning), pro-choice; and minority communities. Of course, if you believe the part about that organization loving the above groups, I'll sell you the entire fucking continent of Europe- and I'll throw in Africa for good measure.

    James Dobson, that man whose misnamed name has brought fear to many, and lies to others, has stepped down as Chairman of said misnamed group Focus on the Family. Only, that asshole isn't leaving the organization, as he'll stay on to make sure his fucking puppets do what's told.

    why don't he just go away- and stay away? He stepped down six years ago as president and CEO, and now that he's stepped down as chairman, perhaps his influence will continue to diminish. Yes, he'll continue to host his radio program, but hopefully his 1.5 million listeners will learn the truth about his message of hate- disguised as Christian advice. Of course, I'd love to see his Arbitron ratings take a nosedive and it gets taken off the air. Either that, or the Focus of the Family organization gets a really "Extreme Makeover"- as in bringing in preachers who support the LGBTQ community; and offer support for employees' domestic partners.

    But what the chances of that happening?


    I didn't think so.

    (C) 2009 by Darren W. Alexander. All Rights Reserved.

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