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    Thursday, February 19, 2009

    Chicago Bus Fight Incident

    Chicago Copwatch/YouTube

    Last month, in the Bay Area, a young man was killed by a BART (Bay Area Rapid Transit District) police officer. That officer has since been fired and is facing criminal charges.

    Several days ago, a seemiongly unruly passenger got into a scuffle with a Chicago police office. Like the Bay Area incident, this one was taped.

    (Warning: This video contains strong language, so if you're offended by such language- the type I generally use in this blog anyway- you may want to cover the ears).

    The bus is the Line #70/Division, of the Chicago Transit Authority. The passenger, African-American, appears to be intoxicated in the video. The officer, whose badge number is 10677, subdues the passenger. But it appears that the officer is being rough with the man, Lorenzo Wiley, 49, of Chicago. Wiley was charged with theft of services by refusing to pay a fare, a misdemeanor.

    Now, the group Chicago Copwatch has complained that the officer, and the Chicago Police Department and the Independent Police Review Authority are reviewing the incident after this video was posted on YouTube. According to the Copwatch group, the officer was not supposed to touch the offender until backup arrived. Others say that the officer did the right thing by being rough, after all, Mr. Wiley could have had a weapon.

    I'll dissect this:
    :52 (52 seconds into video): Wiley put his right hand into his pants pocket. It stays in less than a second.
    :58: Officer slams Wiley's head on window.
    1:02: Wiley stands up. Was he preparing to get off the bus, or was he getting into the officer's face? at about 1:05, the officer asks repeatedly "Do you want to fight me?"
    1:09 (approximate time): Officer slams Wiley back into seat and slams Wiley against the window. Between 1:15 and 1:23, it appeared that wiley has his hand balled into a fist.
    1:21: Officer 10677 calls for backup, tells Wiley that he's going to jail.
    1:29: Officer 10677 punches Wiley in the face.
    1:37: Other officers arrive on bus to assist 10677.
    1:47: 10677 and other officers take Wiley off the bus.

    From what I've seen, what the officer should have done was handcuff Mr. Wiley instead of getting into a scuffle with him. He should have picked Mr. Wiley up and had him turn around, either by force or if Wiley had cooperated. I don't think that the punches and slamming Wiley's head on the window were necessary. Now, officer 10677 may face a lawsuit from Mr. Wiley. As far as I know, this officer is still patrolling the streets of Chicago. I'll continue to watch this case.

    (C) 2009 by Darren W. Alexander. All Rights Reserved.

    1 comment:

    The Alex chronicles said...

    2/25/09-DWA says: I have attempted- via the news media and even the Chicago Police Department's website- to find the name of the Chicago, Illinois police officer whose badge number is 10677. My results were not successful. As to why the CPD wants to protect the identity of this officer, that is something I clearly do not understand. Not saying that he instigated the incident in mid-February, on the CTA Line 70/Division bus, but I still believe- as I did when I originally wrote this entry- that this officer #10677 could have handled this better than he did. Some may differ, and that's fine by me. But to commit almost wanton violence against a passenger- more than what is necessary- is one of the reasons why people distrust the law enforcement communities even now.