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    Wednesday, February 18, 2009

    How's That Abstinence Thing Working, Bristol and Sarah?

    Bristol Palin knows a lot more about this abstinence thing more than her mother, Republican Alaska governor Sarah Louise Heath Palin.

    She admits that having a baby at 18 is not at all glamourous, and that she's lucky to have such parents- Todd and Sarah- that help out with the little guy she gave birth to in December. While she advocates that teens wait, she says that this abstinence talk isn't realistic.

    Mom knows best, eh? You see, had Sarah Palin not cut off funding for contraception and birth control in the 49th State of the Union, Bristol and her boyfriend Levi wouldn't be in this mess in the first place, would they? I just love how Republicans- and particularly Mrs. Palin- just expect teens to keep their pants zipped up. But when it hits home, boy does it kick them in the balls. Sure, I would've preferred that Bristol wait until she was good and ready, but if she and Levi were to do the nasty, at least wear a Durex or Trojan. But mama Palin won't allow condoms to be handed out to teens.

    Sarah Palin. The face of Planned Parenthood. In a parallel universe, maybe.
    Click on the title for the full Fox News interview.

    (C) 2009 by Darren W. Alexander. All Rights Reserved.

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