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    Monday, January 26, 2009

    Ted Haggard's Next Sexual Mis-Adventure

    Just as I'm hardly recovering from the debacle of our knucklehead mayor- who by the way, isn't throwing in the towel (hope you know what you're doing, Spam...the new nickname for Sam Adams), former church pastor Ted Haggard rears his ugly head once again.

    You remember Rev. Haggard, right? Let me refresh your memory:

    Magnolia Pictures/YouTube

    He said it. Homosexuality IS WRONG! WRONG! WRONG! Except he forgot one itty bitty, teensy weensy detail:

    Kind of funny, the shoe being on the other foot, isn't it, Ted? Your little drug and sex fest with a male escort got you fired from New Life in 2006.

    Apparently, our favorite closeted gay pastor is now embroiled in another sex scandal. This time, a 20-year-old volunteer at the megachurch New Life Church had stepped forward to mention about a tryst he and Haggard had. New Life had paid the man to keep quiet- and pay for his tuition.

    The reason the volunteer came forward is because a HBO documentary will air this Thursday entitled The Trial of Ted Haggard. Haggard himself will be on CNN's Larry King Live on Thursday to respond to the documentary- and likely the latest accusation.

    Click on the title for continuing coverage from KRDO NewsChannel 13, which is probably airing the story live as I type this (Portland's only one time zone behind Colorado Springs) Also, click on the CNN widget for the latest update.

    Copyright (C) 2009 by Darren W. Alexander. All Rights Reserved.

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