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    Monday, January 05, 2009

    Macworld Expo 2009 Starts Today (But Where in the Hell is Steve Jobs?)

    Although I'm a PC- yes, that means that I'm a Windows person (and, by the way, Vista works just fine with me, thank you very much!), I'm still interested in the Mac- after all, I almost got another one. Which explains why I'm interested in this year's Macworld Expo at Moscone Center. I could ask the usual question, "What will Apple release this time?" But over the past year, the folks from Cupertino has revamped the iPod and MacBook lines- the lower end MacBooks now feature NVIDIA graphic processors, with the hard drive options including the solid state drives (the serial ATA drives are still standard equipment). According to, the probability of Apple releasing a new incarnation of the lowest end desktop, the Mac mini, is pretty high, as is the possibility of the newest version of the all-in-one desktop iMac. The 17-inch MacBook Pro could get a new Intel processor. (to read the entire article, click here to ).

    So, with that pearl of wisdom out of the way, there is one glaring omission at this year's event: one Steven Paul Jobs. For years, the Apple founder and CEO has been a ubiquitous presence at the Expos, releasing new products and version of Apple hardware.
    euereka279/YouTube/Macworld Expo

    But this year, Jobs won't be at this event, and there is speculation as to why. Is it because of the hormonal imbalance he has? Or is it something worse- as in his pancreatic cancer returning? Jobs says that he'll stay on as Apple CEO, so the news seem encouraging about his health.

    Phil Schiller of Apple will deliver this year's keynote address.

    Jobs won't be the only person- or thing- missing from Macworld. Next year, Apple itself will be missing from the Macworld Expo. How will that bode with the Mac and Apple faithful? We can only wait and see. But Apple says that they could do a better job marketing Apple products by just going to the customer. Small companies, with the absence of Apple in 2010, may be better able to feature their products.

    (C) 2009 by Darren W. Alexander. All Rights Reserved.

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