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    Thursday, January 15, 2009

    Bush Says Buh-Bye

    President George Walker Bush thanked his constituents for allowing him to screw up the country for eight...okay, six years- the first two, he didn't do so bad. I'll have to give him credit for keeping us calm during the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001.

    Bush said that he had "confidence in the promise of America because I know the character of our people..."

    I was going to wait until Tuesday to do a final rundown of the Bush administration's accomplishments. Sure, like I said, he kept us calm during 9/11/01, but he kept us in Iraq a lot longer than we needed to be. Iraq seems to be headed toward civil war, and to add Morton salt to the wound, Bush made it harder for the incoming Obama administration to withdraw our troops until 2011. Hopefully, I'll make it to 44 years of age by then (hmm...I'll be 44 during the 44th Presidential administration...hurry up and arrive, 2011!).

    Of course, he told FEMA (Federal Emergency Management Administration) Michael D. Brown that he did "a heck of a job." Too bad the federal help didn't arrive for three days as New Orleans, Louisiana, and the Biloxi/Gulfport/Pascagoula, Mississippi region was drowning under the furious rains of Hurricane Katrina in August and September 2005.

    I could go on about his wanting to put a federal amendment defining marriage as only a union between a man and a woman (too much brown nosing with Marion Gordon 'Pat' Robertson and the late Jerry Falwell can do that to you, you know...),and don't get me started on his view on stem cell research.

    I like what he says about leaving the stage. And I can't wait until Tuesday at noon Eastern Time. 9:00 AM Pacific.

    Good riddance, George!

    Copyright (C) 2009 by Darren W. Alexander. All Rights Reserved.

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