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    Tuesday, January 20, 2009

    Portland Mayor Sam Adams' Sex-Capade

    In tomorrow's issue of Willamette Week, Portland mayor Sam Adams admits to reporter Nigel Jaquiss of a relationship he had with a then-18 year old intern. Today in a press conference, Adams apologized for his actions, saying that the relationship was inappropriate and that he used poor judgment. The man Adams had sex with, Beau Breedlove, was 18 at the time of the relationship, and it happened while Adams was city commissioner and before he ran for mayor. I don't expect a recall vote against Adams, and Adams himself said that he wouldn't resign.

    As far as I'm concerned, this is a non-issue. Poor judgment? maybe. Inappropriate? No.

    While I think that Adams should have been more forthcoming about the two-month relationship, there is really nothing to ride his ass about. After all, the last time I checked, when you turn 18, you're legally an adult. Had Breedlove been under 18, then I would raise serious questions on whether Adams is fit to lead a city.

    Having said this, I'll continue to stand by Sam, but, as a man who voted for him, I will keep him under close scrutiny- like I do with all who hold public office.

    Click on the title for the full story from KGW NewsChannel 8. There is a similiar commentary piece at one of my other blog sites, The DWA Musings. Click here at:

    Copyright (C) 2009, by Darren W. Alexander. All Rights Reserved.


    Unknown said...

    The "issue" for me is offering a 55K city job to the WW reporter who uncovered the story--basically hush money. BTW, she has no (0) experience in urban planning.

    The Alex chronicles said...

    You're right, East. As you probably read- either in this entry or either of the ones I wrote in the last couple of days- I've mentioned that it was probably hush-hush. Like I said in an entry I wrote last night, come to think of it as...the Portland political mafia.

    I kind of wonder how she'll do when disaster hits the city. Thanks for responding.