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    Thursday, September 21, 2006

    Okay, So My President's The Fucking Devil (But He's Still My President)!

    So, Iran's President/Dictator Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, and Venezuela President/dictator Hugo Chavez had the audacity to waltz their happy asses into the United States, and bad mouth her as if she was a cheap whore. Chavez even had the conjones to call President Bush the Devil. You know, Beezlebub. Lucifer. Serpent. Father of the world. Otherwise known as good ol' Satan.

    President Bush being called The Devil. Makes me wonder Satan feels about having that title stripped from him.

    Well, look. I didn't vote for Bush in either presidential election (I'm a registered Democrat), but bad mouthing him is like insulting a member of the family. Yes, Bush is a fucking jackass, but he's still my President, like it or not. And he'll be President until January 21, 2009 (barring illness; impeachment; or death- either by weapon or health deterioration).

    I have the speech Chavez made. Just click on the title.

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