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    Tuesday, August 01, 2006

    Mel Gibson- Hot Potato

    Mel Gibson: anti-Semite?

    I can't help but wonder if he really needed that holy juice to show his true colors. After all, his dad denies that the holocaust existed, and I'm thinking, "hey, like father, like son."

    As we are now well aware, Mr. Gibson was arrested last Friday night on DUI charges- his blood alcohol level was about twice the legal limit. While getting arrested- by a Jewish cop, nonetheless- he allegedly went on this tirade about Jews controlling Hollywood, etc. That's right. The New York-born Aussie is the Jews' best friend. HA!

    Well, of course, you now know of the apology that he's given to the Jewish community. But that obviously isn't enough. ABC- which is controlled by a Jewish mouse named Mickey- has decided not to air a Gibson-produced miniseries. Much of Hollywood isn't touching him with a 10-foot- let alone a 39 and a half inch- pole. And some are beginning to wonder whether his epic "The Passion of the Christ" is proof that Uncle Melvin hates Jews.

    Man, what have we gotten ourselves into, Mr. Gibson? Talk about a "Lethal Weapon".

    But in all seriousness, whether Mel Gibson can recover from this latest Hollywood fiasco or no depends on whether the Hollywood community accepts him back with open arms, albeit in due time. This could mean a 'blacklist' for him, moving him from 'A' status to- at best- 'C' status. If this incident torpedoes his career...well, there's at least the priesthood. (He's an archconservative Roman Catholic. Perhaps he'll be the next Pope. God help us all).

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