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    Thursday, August 03, 2006

    The Right to Have Sex With Children?!!!! Cleveland Area Man Believes So

    Boy, I've got to hand it to this Phillip Distasio, of Rocky River, Ohio, a Cleveland suburb.

    At least he has the balls to say,"yes, I'm a pedophile", and he even told the judge hearing the case in Cuyahoga County Common Pleas Court in a pretrial hearing that, quote, "The only reason why I'm charged with rape is that no one believes a child can consent to sex"- end quote.

    "No one can believe that a child can consent to sex."

    I don't know what planet Mr. Distasio came from, or even what country he's from- if he's of what folks in Star Trek lore calls Terra (we here in the real world call it Earth). But the last time I heard, having sex with a person under age 18 (in many jurisdictions here in the US...perhaps it's legal to do the nasty to a child where Mr. Distasio's from. I don't know...I'm trying to keep myself from kicking this computer's monitor in anger as I write this...), a person faces 25 to life, especially now since Jessica's Law (named for Jessica Lunsford, the Florida girl who was murdered by a known sex offender last year)- and its' equivalents- passed in many states. What I do know is that he's charged with having sex with seven autistic boys. Among the charges- 74 counts in all- rape; pandering obscenity to minors, and corrupting another with drugs. All of the victims were under the age of 13. If convicted, he faces life in prison.

    He's also acting as his own attorney (and you know the saying about people serving as their own attorney).

    Distasio says that he's a leader of a church called Arcadian Fields Ministries. According to the website I'm looking at right now, it's a ministry of the Universal Life Church, which is based out of Modesto, California -their website is . According to the ULCHQ site, the Universal Life Church has no doctrine, so I won't even go there on what these people really believe. (You can also click on for more info on the Arcadian Fields Group out of Cleveland).

    I cannot fathom even why they let jackals like Distasio in the door. Perhaps they'll have the good sense to kick him out. Then again...

    All I can say is that I have a feeling a nice can of worms have been opened here. Perhaps we'll learn more about the Universal Life Church in the days to come. In fact, my research has already begun.

    (Additional stories on this can be found at ).

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