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    Monday, August 07, 2006

    Aren't We Getting a Bit TOO Ridiculous Here?

    Talladega Nights: The Ballad of Ricky Bobby was the number one movie this past weekend, taking in about $47 Million in box office receipts. The comedy is about a NASCAR driver, played by SNL alum Will Ferrell (who also co-wrote with Adam McKay) whose dominance has been challenged by a Formula One racer.

    The fact that the film was number one is apparently lost on the folks of One of the reviewers, Dr. Ted Baehr, say that the film is "anti-Christian- for the main character's doing a mock prayer to baby Jesus- and, anti-family; and racist (for lampooning NASCAR's dominant audience- good ol' southern white boys)". It even complains about a mock gay kiss between Ricky Bobby and a gay rival.

    Can anybody tell me what the big fuss is all about? Why are these folks aligning the film with Mel Gibson's recent acts of jackassery? Sure, Christianity is under attack, but so are Jews, Muslims; and even those wacky Jehovah's Witnesses. But come on, folks, it's just a movie! Not an attack on Christianity; Jews; or even gays- which these so-called Christians are so good at doing. Bashing gays (if it makes you feel better, Mr./Ms. Evangelical Fundementalist Christian, why don't you go ahead to a gay bar, follow two gay men or two lesbians, and bash them with a baseball bat- and that Bible you use to justify in your bashing. At least you'll be showing your true colors...I know, I'm straying a bit here. But, man, I'm getting tired of these so-called Christian types saying that they're persecuted. Only, they're the persecutors).

    It's just a movie, folks. Relax. Laugh. Then go home, and read your Bibles if you like.

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