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    Monday, August 28, 2006

    Did He Kill JonBenet?- Chapter Three: HELL, NO!

    The final chapter on John Mark Karr, the suspect in JonBenet Ramsey's murder, has been closed.

    The verdict: He didn't do it!

    The DNA taken from him did not match that found on Jonbenet's underwear, which means Mr. Karr is pretty much a free man- unless, of course, the authorities decide to take him to the loony bin (there is that thing about his having a thing for little children).

    Sounds to me that Karr's confession a couple weeks ago was coerced, and if it so happens that it was, I'd sue the ass off of those interrogators. The Thai authorities; the FBI if they were involved, and just about everypone else who had a hand in framing a man now considered innocent.

    Now, I have a question for the Thai authorities. Why didn't you just come out and say that you arrested Karr for having a young girl on his lap at a school? And why didn't they tell the truth, that he was under surveillance and suspicion of being a pedophile in Thailand?

    And I have to kind of feel sorry for Boulder County District Attorney Mary Lacy, who wanted this to be a slam dunk. At the same time, I- like everyone else around America- must hold her feet to the fire. After all, in a rush for justice, the bitch just got in over her head. I'm sure that the voters of Boulder County will give her a thank you note come time for her re-election campaign.

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