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    Monday, January 07, 2008

    Welcome to Notes From the Hardcore Edge (Formerly "The View From Planet Alex")

    Hi, for those of you who were expecting The View From Planet Alex, well, you're still here.

    Only, as promised, I did a title change- and that's not the only thing that will change. But I'll point those out in due time.

    But first, I'll explain how this title came about. About 20 years ago (actually 19 this month), I decided to do this newsletter about "the most happening events and lives". In other words, kind of a light hearted, light news, if you will, journal. I was at the Newport Music Hall, on the south campus district of Columbus, Ohio- and right across from the Ohio Union (of the Ohio State University) on North High Street- that I came up with this title (and a pretty godawful cold the next day...ugh!).

    So, Notes From the Hardcore Edge was born.

    I talked about my relationships, news, and whatever else that happened. I would release this thing on Monday nights.

    So, as I was in bed last night, I thought about the changes I would make for this blog, and thought about changing the title to The DWA Musings. Initially, I was going to phase out the newsier stuff and just focus on me. But then, I realized that I could change a hardly used sister blog to that title, so now you have three to choose from:

    NOTES FROM THE HARDCORE EDGE (formerly The View From Planet Alex) will continue to deal with the news events, and my opinions on them.
    THE TRASH BASH will continue to deal with the wacky world of, Hollywood, and entertainment in general (note: I'm, a little late in getting that 2007 review going, but I promise to take care of this this week).
    THE DWA MUSINGS is a new blog that just focuses on one person- ME! ME! ME! My world and welcome to it. I'll talk about my relationships, what I do, and much more.

    Now there is a blog called THE TWILIGHT that I contribute to from time to time. So, when I put in an entry there, I'll direct you to the link to it.

    One of the features that will come to NFTHE will be THE WEEK IN BRIEF. This feature will take a look at the past weeks news and events. This will be published on Monday nights.

    As you can see, I changed the design of the blog a bit. A more pleasing design, if you will. As video is already available- mostly courtesy of YouTube (soon I'll add my own as well)- I'll add in pictures as well. Everything I can to make this a much more exciting blog.

    This is the second title change since I've moved to the site in November 2005 (entries prior to November 2005 are carry overs from a previous blog site is now defunct).

    I hope you continue to enjoy this blog.

    (C)2008 by The DWA Organisation. All Rights Reserved.

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