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    Wednesday, January 30, 2008

    Catholic Church Aghast Over 'Nuns-and-Nudes' Picture

    A fitness club ad that features nuns sketching a nude man has the Catholic church up in arms. C.J. Doyle of the Catholic League of Massachusetts says that the ad portrays a "callous contempt for the sensibility of Catholics."

    Of course, I'm thinking that if the picture depicted a nude little boy and a pedophile priest enjoying the goods, I think these nimrods would've approved. After all, they want to censor everything and everybody, but they often times forget to watch their tongues- and zippers.

    Click on the title for the story from WCVB-TV, Boston.

    (C)2008 by Darren W. Alexander/The DWA Organisation Ink. All Rights Reserved.

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