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    Thursday, May 18, 2006

    Uh-Oh! Lon's At It Again!

    Just when we here in the mostly liberal state of Oregon have seen enough of anti-gay (and I wouldn't be surprised if he was anti-black; anti-Latino, etc, either) loudmouth Lon Mabon, here's more good news to chew on: he's preparing two ballot measures to put on the 2008 ballot (don't you just love it when he does this shit during the Presidential election years). One is similar to Measure 9 that he tried to shove down our throats 6 years ago, only this time, he's including transgendered people.

    Whassamatta, Lon? Still scared of those bitchy queens scratching their claws into your face? When will you, Mr. Mabon, get the message that Oregon doesn't want your kind- the hateful, vicious, have-nothing-better-to-do-than attack gay/lesbian/bisexual/transgender folk. I don't give a shit that you hate gays, Lon. That's on you. But don't try to force feed everyone that hate jhuice you want us to drink (seemingly) every Presidential election. Go home. Chill out. Or even better, pick up a gun, put it in your mouth, pull the trigger, and end your miserable existence. For someone who's so miserable that you have to pick on everybody else, man, you must really be in the saddest of shapes.

    I mean, what more can I say about Oregon's favorite bigot?

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