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    Thursday, May 18, 2006

    Oregon Voted (Now It's Your Turn- Again!- New Orleans)

    The primary election here in Oregon has ended. The incumbent governor, Theodore Kulongoski, handily beat Jim Hill (I voted for him), and Peter Soreson for the Democratic nomination. Ron Saxton survived vicious attacks from two-time loser KevinMannix and Jason Atkinson for the Republican nomination. On November 7, there will be one man standing, and unless Sleepy Ted Tax and Gouge Me gets his shit together, I'll do what I did in this (primary) election- vote across party lines and vote for Saxton (I voted for Dave "The Eastside Guy" Lister, Republican running for a city council seat). At least Ted Wheeler will be Multnomah County's next Commission chair, winning 70%-30% over incumbent Diane Linn. (Next time, Princess Di, talk to the people about allowing gay marriages in Multnomah County before issuing them. Had she done that, we probably wouldn't have Measure 36 on the book today).

    Now that we here in the Beaver State- let alone Moscow on the Willamette- have made our choices (for the time being, anyway...), let's head down to the Bayou state of Louisiana and focus on Saturday's mayoral runoff election. The incumbent, Clarence Ray Nagin faces off against a member of the Landrieu political dynasty, Louisiana Lieutenant Governor Mitchell J. Landrieu. Last month, I listed what each man has to do to win the top office on 1300 Perdido Street (see the April 23 blog entry, "New Orleans Votes- Chapter Four).

    I've include the link to Monday night's mayoral debate here. Go to

    May the best man win on Saturday. I'll be watching closely, of course. Whoever wins this election has their work cut out for them as New Orleans recovers.

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