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    Sunday, May 14, 2006

    Okay, Just Another Rant...or Not...

    Hi, there. Kermit de Frog here...
    Who the fuck am I kidding here? It's me, your ol' Uncle Darren here.

    Thus far, I've had a great week. Much of 2006 has been pretty good to me. I'm doing a lot of things- like, say, making a cemetery here in Portland pretty, and I've begun working out. It's time to kiss my skinny rail of a life adios, and say welcome to a nice, sculpted, and beautiful swan of a body here. In the coming weeks, I'll have in hand a set of dumbbells- yes, even the Bowflex SelectTech 552 set; weight gain formula- though those nightly visits to McDonald's are really doing wonders (I have to had gained 10 or more pounds in the last two weeks...when I get the weight gain formula, I'll drink that as I eat those Big Macs...hey, I've been skinny all my life. It's time to look like a linebacker- even as I turn 40 next out about 30 minutes a day, 7 days a week...I think people will notice before long).

    I've also began my studies of Final Cut Studio, and as I get my Mac computer in the next week or so, I'll work hands on with the exercises in the book I'm reading (Apple Pro Training Series: Getting Started With Final Cut Studio).

    So, those changes I've talked about making, I'm finally doing them.

    In other words, I've stopped talking (and for that matter, I stopped smoking cigarettes, too), and started doing. Walk the walk, come to think of it.

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