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    Friday, May 19, 2006

    Buh-Bye, Jenny- Groom Runs From "Runaway Bride"

    Last year, Jennifer Wilbanks got a major case opf cold feet. So cold, that she ran all the way to New Mexico. Of course, an entire community looked for her (then subsequently thanked the heavens for her safe return- right before that same community kicked her right in the kiester...).

    Now comes word that Jenny can run as far as she wants, and see whoever she damn well wants to see (even if it happens to be some crazy black blogger here in Portland, Oregon...hey, I won't touch that one, kids...). Wilbanks and her fiance, John Mason have split, which makes me wonder- did HE get a case of cold feet? (And if so, why didn't I have that when I married Mary* nine years ago?) Or was he afraid that she'd run after the wedding? I don't know, kids. All I can say is, RUN, JENNIE, RUN!

    *formerly known under the alias 'Leah'

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