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    Wednesday, March 08, 2006

    Coming Soon, My Big Fat Mouth

    As if this writing the blog entry bit isn't enough, I have more good news to tell you.

    Coming soon- probably in the next month or two, I'll be adding in video and audio podcasts- yes, you'll actually be seeing my lovely face here at this blog. Sure, I may not look as charming as, say, Lars Larson or Laura Ingraham (let alone Randi Rhodes...why do I keep seeing myself dating this woman?...anyway...), but at least you'll have a face to the blog. As always, I welcome your comments. Even if you don't agree with me.

    In the next few weeks, I'll have myself a MacBook Pro- either the 1.83 GHz model, or 2 GHz model (likely the former, though I cannot rule out the latter), and following- or accompanying- it will be the 60 GB iPod, and podcasting equipment. All of this will be up and running come May.

    I've already started setting up the feed account. Just in case you don't notice the feed address, it's So consider yourself forewarned.

    Had I already possessed this equipment, I would have told you about the New York Film Academy's tuition increase, and where they can cram it. Wait a sec! I'm doing this right now. Anyway, the tuition is currently $13,750 per semester for the one-year filmmaking classes (it's generally the length of a pregnancy, so women, you can shoot that film now, and by the time you graduate, you head your happy asses down to Cedars-Sinai in Los Angeles, or New York Presbyterian Hospital in Gotham, and deliver that future porn film producer...or future Spielberg...or however you want to raise that snotragged crumbsnatcher...). Starting September, the tuition is raised to $15,000 per semester. That's $30,000 total for a nine-month program (that baby's crying "Cut!").

    Now, I know that tuition increases are the norm- inflation and all that shit, but I still want to tell these jamokes where to cram it. Get what I'm sayin', baby?

    So, to review, I'll be podcasting by May, and the New York Film Academy is raising their goddamned tuition for the one-year classes. Ain't that a motherfucker?

    Copyright 2006, by Darren W. Alexander. All Rights Reserved.

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