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    Friday, March 31, 2006

    Wanted: New Owner(s) for Losing NBA Franchise

    In their 36 years, the Portland Jail, Trail Blazers franchise was one of the winningest in NBA history. Who could forget the '77 Championship- with Bill Walton and other guys whose names escape me right now. And then there's Clyde "The Glide" Drexler with his smooth moves and high scoring.

    Oh, those were the days.

    My, where have they gone?

    (Darren sings- in the tune of "Where Have All the Flowers Gone?")
    Where have all the Blazers gone
    Long time losing
    Where have all the Blazers gone
    The legends of long ago?
    Where in the hell is Bill Walton
    And The Glide Clyde Drexler
    When will Paul Allen learn?
    When will Paul Allen learn?

    What in the hell have my Blazers done?
    Once were winners
    What in the fuck have my Blazers done?
    Now they're losers
    Why in the hell did my Blazers stray
    I'll know someday
    When will they win again?
    When will they win again?

    Okay, so it's bad singing- writing on the fly isn't easy.

    As we here in the Rose City now know- and probably the rest of the world as well, the Portland, Blazers, are now up for sale. After years of overpaying a bunch of overgrown, barely toilet trained gorillas- Rasheed Wallace, now of the 2003 World Champions my Detroit Pistons, notwithstanding- whose arrest records sometimes overshadowed their NBA records, the owner Microsoft co-founder Paul Allen looks to be selling the team. Who will buy Portland's black eye, who knows? But when the new owner does buy the team, I hope s/he knows what the fuck they're getting into. Can anyone say see you in bankruptcy court?

    Monday, March 27, 2006

    Alvis Edgar "Buck" Owens, Jr. 1929- 2006- An Appreciation

    What would country music be without the icons that made it famous? The Carter family- in which a girl named June was a member of. Johnny Cash- in which that same girl named June would later marry. Johnny Horton (North to Alaska; Sink the Bismarck). And many others, past, present and current.

    One legend among those legends: Alvis Edgar Owens, Jr. The man we all know as Buck.

    The man who gave himself the nickname Buck when he was about 3 or 4 (he named himself after a mule on the family farm in Sherman, Texas, where he was born on August 12, 1929) made numerous hits- Tiger by the Tail; Under Your Spell; and Act Naturally, among others- over a 40-plus year period. A new generation may remember him singing alongside Dwight Yoakam in the song "Streets of Bakersfield" (which Buck himself would record years earlier). Of course, as everyone knows, he created the "Bakersfield Sound", which is basically a chugging 2/4 freight train rhythm.

    And of course, the other thing Owens would become synomonous with was a little show that aired from 1969 to 1994 (the first two years on CBS) that had a lot of pickin' and grinnin'...oh, and some prtetty 'KORN'-y jokes. Every Saturday night, my family would gather around the TV set, at seven o'clock on Channel Six in Columbus, Ohio (WTVN-TV- now WSYX-TV- the ABC station) and watch Hee Haw. That show was largely responsible for my being a country music fan, as every week Buck, his co-host Roy Clark, the Buckaroos, and about a score of others in the cast would tell jokes, the guest stars- be it Kenny Rogers, Dolly Parton, Barbara Mandrell, and Ray Charles, among others- would not be spared the jokes (or that god-awful song...where, where, are you tonight? Why did you leave me here all alone?...Try NOT to laugh as you're singing that...).

    Many also know Buck owned radio stations- including KUZZ radio in Bakersfield, and controlled his musical empire, in addition to the Crystal Palace Restaurant.

    Owens died Saturday night after a performance ( he had performed at his Crystal Palace restaurant/ auditorium earlier) of an apparent heart attack. He was 76.

    I have the link to the video report from Bakersfield's NBC station, KGET-TV 17. Just click on the title. It must be noted that Owens was intensely proud of Bakersfield- he even bought the Bakersfield sign that you see as you enter town. And as fans and colleagues continue to mourn, it must be said that Bakersfield is very proud of its' transplant from Sherman, Texas.

    Farewell, old friend. I know that you're pickin' and grinnin' in heaven tonight.

    Tuesday, March 21, 2006

    Fuck This Cold, Let's Fuck

    I'm battling this cold.

    But I'm also battling feelings for this floozy named Linda. Admittedly, Linda's what I'd love to a guilty pleasure. Let me explain. I love when she hugs me, even when she kisses me. But- and it's a BIG ASS BUTTAFUOCO!- Linda is one of those women Mickey Gilley sings about in his song "All the Girls Get Prettier at Closing Time". Oh, and there's her reputation as a lady of the night (put 2+2 together on that one). Fortunately, those feeling s have waned quite a bit since her recent photo in the (Portland) Trib(une), so there's hope for me I think. My attentions have been shifting toward this older woman I've had this crush on for the past (going on) three year. Dorothy is in her mid 40s-mid 50s (what is it with me and older women anyway? I did mention that I've banged this fifty-something lesbian last month, didn't I?...), and last night I dreamt of her. Now Dot has this bleached blond hair, about my height...really attractive (despite the fact that she- like myself- smokes, though I'm working on giving up the habit...).

    You've seen the Apple commercials on the ubitquitous iPod for the past...going on five years, I think. Well, some bastard genius came up with an idea that only Apple Computer- the maker of the iPod, of course- can love. Why didn't they think of this?

    As soon as iFilm lets us viewers snag this image, I'll put it on this page.

    Also on, is a porn star that has a little trouble...well, keeping up. watch her as she slips on her ass on

    Thursday, March 16, 2006

    It's march Madness...and It's maddening!

    I've watched a nailbiter of a game this morning and afternoon.

    The Pacific University Tigers- the #13 seed in the Minneapolis bracket- gave the # 4 Boston College Screaming Eagles a run for their money. Twice, just as the Eagles thought they had the game in the can, the Tigers came right back and stuck it to them. Right now, I'm watching a couple games- the #2 Tennessee Volunteers battling the #15 Winthorp Eagles in Greensboro, North Carolina (they're in the washington, DC bracket).

    Other games earlier...Wisconsin-Milwaukee, the #11 seed in the Minneapolis bracket, upset the #6 Oklahoma Sooners, 82-74 in Salt Lake City. Wichita State, the #7 in the DC bracket handily handed #10 Seton Hall their asses, 86-66.

    But, man, in Salt Lake City, The Screaming Eagles were screaming- and not because they were winning...hold on, it looks like Tennessee and Winthorp may be heading into overtime...currently 61 all with less than two minutes left in 52 seconds left, and it's still 61 all...but in the first overtime, Pacific players hit nothing but three pointers, but by the second OT, Boston college's defense got the best of the Tigers. Steal after steal...but, man, the Pacific team gave BC a run for their money, didn't they? The final score: BC 88, Pacific 76. The winner of the Nevada-Montana game will play BC at 2:40PM (PT; 5:40PM ET) Saturday in Salt lake.

    Tennessee will face off against Wichita State saturday in Greensboro.

    Earlier, in San Diego, at Cox arena, the Alabama- marquette game was delayed due to the discovery of a suspicious package found in the building. It had to be evacuated.
    Go to my journal site at, click on where it says ' (there's more...just click on that), where you'll see the direct story on this morning's bomb scare.

    Tuesday, March 14, 2006

    Problem Is, Pat, Is You're Just As Satanic

    I just got an e-mail from, a conservative news organization (I thought I got rid of thoase fuckos last year...oh, well, might as well trounce on this opportunity while it's still hot...).

    Our favorite jackal, the good Reverend Marion Gordon "Pat" Robertson's at it again. Only this time, I wonder if I should actually (gasp!) agree with him.

    On the site, which you can go directly to by clicking on the title, you can read the Associated Press report on Robertson's latest remarks, and the criticisms against them.

    As you all know, Muslims are royally pissed off at the Danish cartoon depicting the prophet Muhammad wearing a bomb on his turban. Yeah, just as bad as a cartoon of Jesus bashing a gay person, I know...but you don't see Christians brandishing weapons and shooting to kill, do you?

    Robertson said on his show The 700 Club that Radical Muslims are 'Satanic'. As much as I usually disagree with Pat- and tell him where he can cram his rhetoric- I'm forced to agree with him this time.

    Robertson states that "the goal of Islam...whether you like it or not, is world domination." He goes on to say that radical Muslims screamed "May Allah bomb you! May Osama bin Laden bomb you!"

    All over some stupid, goddamned cartoon some Danes decided to draw. Gee, I'm beginning to wonder if Islam really IS the evil we need to fear.

    Of course, some are critizing Pat for saying that radical Islam is a great evil, but think about it. The insurgents in Iraq want to kill our soldiers. Osama is still being the major ingrown hair up the world's ass- and is hell bent on destroying America (all because he hates our freedom). I usually join in the chorus of Pat Robertson-bashing, but, perhaps, he may be right this time.

    And that's saying a lot.

    Okay, Not a Bad Start

    That last blog entry did show the picture of the girl. But no motion picture yet. So, I provided the link. Enjoy.

    Let's Ban the Governors Who Ban the Right to Choose

    As we all know, South Dakota governor Mike Rounds (Republican) has banned abortion in the Sioux State. This means that a woman is raped, or a young woman is a victim of incest, it won't mean a goddamned thing, because, as of July 1, 2006- unless challenges from the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU), and of course NARAL put it on hold- women will no longer be able to terminate their pregnancy.

    Look, not many people like the idea of aborting a child. I know that I don't. But I don't like the idea of having a woman be forced to carry a child due to being sexually assualted.

    I know that it's one thing to terminate a pregnancy out of convienence, but when a woman is sexually assaulted- be from stranger rape, acquaintance rape, or incest- that's an entirely different matter. The right to choose MUST BY ALL MEANS be protected.

    Eleven other states, according to NARAL, are considering bans as well. Those states are: Alabama, Georgia, Indiana, Kentucky, Mississippi, Missouri, Ohio (my home state- I really have a bone to pick with my birth state...), Rhode Island, South carolina, Tennessee, and West Virginia.

    Ohio is considering a ban that would make it a crime for anyone to accompany a woman to another state to receive abortion care.

    This means that if a woman is any of the above I've mentioned, you take her to Michigan or Pennsylvania, it'll be a crime- that is if Governor Bob Taft signs it into law before his term (and his eight-year reign of terror) ends next January. Only one way to stop him: VOTE FOR TED STRICKLAND- DEMOCRAT FOR OHIO GOVERNOR! It's very urgent! If the Republican Ken Blackwell- which...and I'm sorry that I have to use the infamous racial epithet to describe this man, considering that this author is, like Mr. Blackwell (Ohio's current Secretary of State), an Uncle Tom nigger- becomes governor, Lord help Ohio.

    Of course, if Mr. Blackwell does win four years in the Statehouse in Columbus (this author's hometown and birthplace), then it'll be another four years or more before I even consider returning home to Ohio. That means that family reunion will be another four years or so off- I'm supposed to go in October 2007, which means that by the time I do return home, I'll be 44- 14 years after I left Ohio. But that's an entirely different animal here.

    But to all the states I've mentioned, go to your governors, your state and federal senators, representatives, and other elected leaders. Tell them to reconsider banning abortion outright. Women's lives are at stake.

    And we here in Oregon must not remain complacent. After all, it is an election year, and if Kevin Mannix; Jason Atkinson; or Ron Saxton- three fo the four Republican candidates for Oregon govenor- becomes governor, we must fight to keep the woman's right to choose legal. Oregon is known to be a progressive state when it comes to many matters, the right to choose being one of them. Let's keep it that way. Vote for Pete Sorenson, Democrat for Oregon Governor.

    I have provided a link to NARAL. Just click on the title to go directly to the site.

    Saturday, March 11, 2006

    Ooooh, the Milosevic Drama Comes to a Head...or does it?

    Oooooh, DRAMA, BABY!

    Admittedly, I was in bed having carnal dreams- when aren't I?- when this piece of good news came up on my e-mails.

    SLOBODAN MILOSEVIC- the former dictator of Yugoslavia- IS DEAD! DEAD! DEAD, BABY! "Gone like a freight train/ gone like yesterday/ gone like a soldier in a Civil War bang bang..." (Lyrics from "Gone", performed and written by Troy Gentry and Eddie Montgomery- the country duo of Montgomery Gentry...).

    Or as the people of the now former Yugoslavia are now singing, "Ding dong, the bastards dead/ the bastard's dead/ the bastard's dead/Ding dong the wicked shit is dead" (love doing songs in the tunes of those from "The Wizard of Oz". Or if you're one of his supporters, he's your own personal Jesus (there's the 'tunes ringing in my head bit again..."Personal Jesus" by Depeche Mode). After all, he slaughtered many Muslims as you cheered on.

    Milosevic ruled the Serbian Republic of Yugoslavia into four Balkan wars, was responsible for the deaths of over 8,000 Muslims (apparently, our friends in al-Qaida and the Taliban didn't seem to be paying attention. After all, it was the Serbs who descrated islam and Muslim practices, not us Yankees...).

    At the time of his death, which was this morning, Milosevic on trial for 66 counts of genocide.

    His death comes just days after one of his hencemen, Milan Babic killed himself at the same prison Milosevic was incarcerated at on Monday. Milosevic was 64.

    Hope you're enjoying the tour of hell, Slobadan. You're gonna be there for a very, very, VERY long time.

    Click on the title to get the link from CNN.

    Thursday, March 09, 2006

    Loving for Amor (on the Wrong Phone Lines)

    Sorry, I'm a little steamed...I had to get after someone about not covering their mouth at the library while coughing. Afterall, it's still cold season. And no, I'm not apologizing. Perhaps I could have been nicer...but still...

    Feel better? Okay.

    Here's a story out of the Dallas-Ft. Worth Metroplex, from the ABC affiliate WFAA-TV, Channel 8.

    A man named Regulo Rodriguez calls 911. Obviously, he has an emergency. A really bad emergency- not unlike serial cougher not far from me, right?

    He's having a heart attack, of sorts. But he's not in any physical pain.

    No, true believers. He only wants a kiss. Yes...just a kiss, damnit!

    You see, Rodriguez called 911 operators in the Dallas suburb of Frisco- shut up, San Francisco, I'm not making fun of you guys- not once. Not twice. Not even ten times.

    He called a grand total of 170- 170!- times.

    So you mean to tell me, Darren, that this joker tied up lines only to ask for a kiss?


    He's now charged with making silent and abusive calls to 911.

    Just click on the title to go to the link.

    Wednesday, March 08, 2006

    As If That's Not Enough

    Okay, I just mentioned that I'll be soon podcasting...we've been through that.

    I'm looking into adding Naked News to the links. It's news that you'll never get on CNN, let alone Fox News (hell, I don't think Fox News Channel can handle these babes. Still, I'd like to see Bill "I'm a Puritanical Pompous Ass" O'Reilly sweat...we'll see if he's really no spin.

    Oh, and as if you've haven't been warned already, yes, some of the video podcasts will contain sexual content, and almost all will contain strong language. So kids, go to the kitchen and make yourselves a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. In fact, start cooking dinner. Now. Better move or I get the switch out (that'll scare the bejesus out of those brats...nothing scares a child more than having a switch hitting that bare ass...).

    So, coming soon, audio and video blogs.

    Right now, though, I'm looking at the forecast here in the Portland metro, and boy, are we up shit creek. A winter storm warning in the upper elevations, around Government Camp, Timberline, etc. At least it's a skier's paradise come true. Here in the Willamette and Tualatin Valleys- and the Coast Range to our west- rain,'s a fucking soup, baby. So stay warm, 'kay?

    Coming Soon, My Big Fat Mouth

    As if this writing the blog entry bit isn't enough, I have more good news to tell you.

    Coming soon- probably in the next month or two, I'll be adding in video and audio podcasts- yes, you'll actually be seeing my lovely face here at this blog. Sure, I may not look as charming as, say, Lars Larson or Laura Ingraham (let alone Randi Rhodes...why do I keep seeing myself dating this woman?...anyway...), but at least you'll have a face to the blog. As always, I welcome your comments. Even if you don't agree with me.

    In the next few weeks, I'll have myself a MacBook Pro- either the 1.83 GHz model, or 2 GHz model (likely the former, though I cannot rule out the latter), and following- or accompanying- it will be the 60 GB iPod, and podcasting equipment. All of this will be up and running come May.

    I've already started setting up the feed account. Just in case you don't notice the feed address, it's So consider yourself forewarned.

    Had I already possessed this equipment, I would have told you about the New York Film Academy's tuition increase, and where they can cram it. Wait a sec! I'm doing this right now. Anyway, the tuition is currently $13,750 per semester for the one-year filmmaking classes (it's generally the length of a pregnancy, so women, you can shoot that film now, and by the time you graduate, you head your happy asses down to Cedars-Sinai in Los Angeles, or New York Presbyterian Hospital in Gotham, and deliver that future porn film producer...or future Spielberg...or however you want to raise that snotragged crumbsnatcher...). Starting September, the tuition is raised to $15,000 per semester. That's $30,000 total for a nine-month program (that baby's crying "Cut!").

    Now, I know that tuition increases are the norm- inflation and all that shit, but I still want to tell these jamokes where to cram it. Get what I'm sayin', baby?

    So, to review, I'll be podcasting by May, and the New York Film Academy is raising their goddamned tuition for the one-year classes. Ain't that a motherfucker?

    Copyright 2006, by Darren W. Alexander. All Rights Reserved.

    Wednesday, March 01, 2006

    The American Vatican

    Wednesday night, I came across a story- just as I was about to check my e-mail on Yahoo- about the plans for the founder of Domino's pizza, Thomas S. Monaghan, to govern the city of Ave Maria, Florida. Ave Maria is a brand new community that's currently under construction. It is being built around Ave Maria University, which is also being built (and is the first Roman Catholic university in the United States since the mid 1960s). Monaghan is using $250 Million of his own money to help bring the town into fruition. When completed in mid-2007 (the groundbreaking was last month, attended by Florida governor Jeb "Dubya's dumber brother" Bush), it will have a town center with European-style architecture, and the centerpiece will be a oratory, whose steeple will be 65 feet tall. Monaghan envisions Ave Maria will have 11,000 households, with a population of 20,000. Collier County will provide the security (the Sheriff's department) and fire services.

    Now, here's my little bitch session. Personally, I could care less that Tom Monaghan is bankrolling $250 million of his own money to help built this town (the other entity is Barron Collier company, which deals with argiculture and real estate). And his Catholicism doesn't bother me. What does bother me, however is the fact that, according to the report (from the Associated Press), if Monaghan has his way, Ave Maria (taken from the Latin, meaning 'hail Mary') will be governed according to strict Roman Catholic principle. Which means that if you want that box of Durex (or Trojans), or if you're a woman who needs that (court-ordered) prescription of Norplant, you're shit out of luck. The cable system won't be showing the playboy or Spice Channels, let alone HBO; Showtime; etc (both networks frequently show R-rated films...and also PG-13...the only R-rated film they WILL let you see in Ave Maria: Mel Gibson's The Passion of the Christ ), and of course, you won't be buying that Playboy or Hustler at the community convenience store. That's just the tip of the iceberg, I'm afraid.

    Homebuyers will own their own homes, so what you do in your own home is none of their damn business, right? (I sigh as I write this) What scares the bejeepers out of me is that if you're a single person, and you and your significant other decide to shack up (you know, cohabitate...from where I'm from- the state of Ohio- we call it a 'common law marriage'), the town fathers may decide to do little NSA number on you and tell you to get married or get out. Or even worse, if that significant other happens to be the same sex as yourself, you may not even be allowed to buy the home in Ave Maria. I mean, this shit is scary. Very fucking scary! If you decide to bring porn into your own home...will they sneak in at night and do a public burning? Man,I shudder to think.

    What comes to my mind is the city of Antelope, Oregon- in southeastern Wasco County, east of The Dalles (The Dalles is the county seat), and 166 miles southeast of Portland, and 122 miles east of Salem. 22 years ago, Antelope- which was a ghost town- was taken over by the followers of Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh, some whack job who called himself a Hindu- I won't go there- decided to raid the town, call it 'Rajneeshpuram', and do all sorts of crazy things- like put Salmonella organisms in salads; bring homeless people into the commune just to register them to vote (nothing in itself wrong with that, but the principle was quite questionable, if you ask me...). Need I go on? At least Antelope was a standing city. But what Tom Monaghan is envisioning- a city where dissent from strict Roman Catholic teaching is anathema to your well-being (let alone remaining a resident of Ave Maria)- doesn't sit at all well with me. What I'm afraid of is that Monaghan could be just like Rajneesh. Or more scarier, Rajneesh meets Pope Benedict XVI. Someone said that it's like radical Islam, and I'm afraid that that person's right. I can't see it any other way.