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    Sunday, August 02, 2009

    Scorned Women Seek Revenge on Three-Timer - ABC News

    Scorned Women Seek Revenge on Three-Timer - ABC News

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    Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned. But one Wisconsin man who had been dating three women- and was married to a fourth- found out that you don't mess with a bitch with a hard-on. Let alone four.

    As I looked at the story- which you can see just by clicking on the title for the link at ABC News- I grabbed my nads, and thought OUCH! This guy's fucking with four women, and breaking their hearts? Bet he's wishing that he just stayed with the wife.
    Look, if you're gonna sleep around with other women, guys, might I suggest, one, make sure the marriage is deader than a doornail- in fact, wait until the divorce is final before doing dipping into some other woman's honeypot. Two, if you're gonna date different women, you may want to do this in different parts of town- Los Angeles, Chicago, and New York are all large enough where you can carry on affairs without the other women knowing (just make sure you scream the right name when you're playing WWE wrestling under the sheets). Of course, some women don't mind if her man dates other women- just let her know who the other babes are. Besides, if you do thinks right, you may find yourself in the middle of a lesbian kiss-and-fuck fest. And the beauty of this is that you may be able to join in, and get three (or more) for the price of one.

    Obviously, this cat got his three for one- except it's four times the pain.

    Blog Entry: (C) 2009 by Darren W. Alexander.
    Report: (C) 2009 by ABC News. All Rights Reserved.


    The Alex chronicles said...

    DWA says: The wife was in on this?
    Dude, this is more fucked up than I thought.

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