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    Monday, August 10, 2009

    Let's Bring Back Fights in the NHL

    Had Chicago Blackhawks forward Patrick Kane stayed in Chicago instead of going home to Buffalo (hear the hiss of Sabre fans- and of the ghost of Tim Russert), he wouldn't be in the fix he's in right now. Had they hired a limo instead of a cab...well, would that have made difference? Probably not.

    Kane, 20 and one of his cousins, James Kane, got in a fight with a cab driver who drove for Chippewa Cab. Apparently, Pat Kane- who was drafted in the first round by the Blackhawks two seasons ago- had shorted the driver twenty cents, and the driver demanded those two dimes. The driver's nose is broken, and the Kanes are charged with theft of services, second degree robbery, and fourth degree criminal mischief. He has plead not guilty. (Click on the title for the WGRZ-TV story).

    Well, this may be a solution- or it could make matters worse. Take your pick. Remember when there were fights on the ice rink during NHL games. You know, two pissed off guys battling out on the floor, just because one of them allegedly made a cheap and blatant shot against the other?Stifmeister1/YouTube
    Those were the days, weren't they?

    But those days are gone, and the NHL- dare I say this?- have become a bit pussified. Oh, sure, the wealthy among us pay for those seat licenses and amenities that make watching three periods (and if necessary, sudden death matches) worthwhile. But the NHL took away the one thing that fans really came for. The brawls! The bloodbaths! Kill the fucking bastard! I think it's time those in-game boxing matches on the rink made a return. Let us watch two- or more- guys go at it, releasing their frustrations during the match, so when the match is over, they go home- or to a bar- and sing happy songs with some stripper (or other female fans). Just remember, guys. There are plenty of hot girls dying to carry a hockey player's baby, so if on girl's not available, go to the next one.

    There. Problem solved.

    Just a suggestion.

    (C) 2009 by Darren W. Alexander. All Rights Reserved.

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