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    Tuesday, March 11, 2008

    Sources: Spitzer Closer to Resignation

    About a day after New York governor Eliot Spitzer admitted that he paid about $4300 for a call girl, sources say that he is close to calling it quits in Albany. Meanwhile, state assemblyman James Tedisco (R-Schenectady) is considering impeaching Spitzer. He, along with others, are calling for Spitzer to step down as governor. If Spitzer does resign, New York could get its' first black governor, David Paterson, the current lieutenant governor.

    Click on the title for the full story from Newsday out of New York City. If you want to see the full affidavit, click here to:

    As a fellow Democrat, I think Spitz should call it quitz...quits, quitz. Couldn't pass up the temptation to go into word play. I looked at tyhe Newsday website, and the video interviews with the common Joes and Janes on the street (mostly Janes). Just about all of them say that they couldn't stand by their men if they found out that they've been cheating with prostitutes (or if you prefer, call girls...escorts...). Of course, with Spitzer- and many others, be it in politics or entertainment- being in high profile positions, that spotlight and magnifying glass will always be on them, and one slip up could cause that already fragile house of cards to crumple.

    Like I said yesterday, not every scandal brings personalities down- some even elevated those who weathered the storm (just ask the man born William Jefferson Blythe IV). How Eliot Spitzer handles this may very much determine whether he still has any political life left.

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