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    Tuesday, March 04, 2008

    It's For All The Marbles in Ohio and Texas

    Today in the states of Ohio and Texas, the Democratic presidential campaign may be decided.

    Illinois senator Barack Obama holds a 109 point lead over New York senator Hillary Clinton, 1378 delegates to 1269. In Ohio, both are fighting for the 162 delegates, in Texas, a whopping 228 delegates, so if Clinton gets any or all of the delegates of both states, she could regain the lead. and this is something at least one conservative radio talk show host is praying for Hillary to win. Rush Limbaugh believes that Clinton is the best way to keep the Democrats apart on issues.

    Another conservative wants Clinton to win- Ann Coulter.

    But those are animals for another day.

    On the Republican side, Arizona senator John McCain has a 800 point lead over former Arkansas governor Mike Huckabee. In Ohio, the votes for the 88 delegates are at stake.

    McCain, as everyone knows pretty much has the Republican nomination wrapped in his hands- he's only 144 delegates away, and he's expected to win in the four states- Vermont and Rhode Island.

    Copyright (C)2008 by Darren W. Alexander/The DWA Organisation Ink. All Rights Reserved.

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