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    Wednesday, March 12, 2008

    'Client 9' Resigns as New York Governor


    Even bad singing sounds good when the news of New York governor Eliot 'Client #9' Spitzer's resignation hits the wire.


    Spitzer will step down by Monday. His lieutenant governor, David Paterson, will take the oath of office of governor and will be the state's first black governor.

    A lot of women around America are, however, asking, "How could Silda (Spitzer's wife) stand by this bum?" Cue Tammy Wynette:


    Of course, privately, I bet Silda is conferring with her divorce lawyers. But divorce may be the least of his troubles. He may be facing criminal charges- after all, in many jurisdictions, prostitution is illegal. And if he is indeed convicted for promoting the world's oldest profession, he could be wearing prison pinstripes- and probably changing his name to 'Ellen'.


    A footnote to this: I'm reading the 47 page document now. I skimmed through the part where 'Client #9' met with one of the defendants (let's just say that the first name may imply that this woman is black...didn't know that Client #9 Spitz liked dark meat better...). I'm actually up to page 19, but if you can't wait that long, go to page 26, part 'b'- February 13, 2008, Interstate Transportation From New York to Washington, DC.

    Copyright (C)2008 by Darren W. Alexander/The DWA Organisation Ink. All Rights Reserved.

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