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    Tuesday, August 28, 2007

    How to Commit Rape While Sleepwalking

    A British Royal Air Force mechanic was accused of raping a 15-year-old girl. However, in two hours, Kenneth Ecott, 26, was acquitted on the account that he was sleepwalking.

    That's right, he had sex with the girl- he admitted to this- while he was sleepwalking.

    Apparently, Ecott suffers from 'sexsomania', or 'sex sleep'- why can't I suffer from this more often- a rare, but real disorder. Sexsomania is also known as somnambulistic sexual behavior, and is part of the behavior called parasomnia- behavior typically not associated with sleep. About 3 to 6 percent of adults, according to the ABC News report- the link I have here- continue to display such parsomniac behaviors.

    Strangely, not all partner of sexsomaniacs are distressed over being fucked as they sleep. The other partner may be banging away, but not know about it until the lover/spouse brings it up the next day. Some of this sex sleeping is gentle, some of it rough. But the fact remains, the person who's indulging his erotic desires won't remember it the next day.

    Needless to say, if I should be so lucky to be among the sexsomanaics, one, hopefully, it'll be with my own partner, and not in some stranger's bed (or if so, she won't cry 'rape'. I can't afford the 25 years to life), and two, hopefully, she'll tell me how great I was.

    Just a thought, kids.

    There is an explanation of this condition in the Newsweek/MSNBC website, which I also have the link to,

    (C)2007, by Darren W. Alexander
    All Rights Reserved.

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