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    Monday, August 27, 2007

    Adios, Alberto

    Exactly two weeks to the day after White House Deputy Chief of Staff- and the gay male partner of King George II (otherwise known as President George Walker Bush)- Karl Rove turned in his resignation (which becomes effective this Friday, by the way, another Bush cabinet member has said, "Adios, Jorge."

    US Attorney General Alberto Gonzales has thrown in the towel- to the roaring approval to those who wanted him out a long time ago.

    During his tenure, Gonzales' leadership was under suspicion, with the Justice Department and the FBI being accused of abusing the USA PATRIOT ACT to uncover personal information on US citizens. And then, there's his firing of eight US attorneys last December. Earlier this year, the Democrat-led Congress sought a no-confident vote, but the Senate vote for cloture (motion to end debate) failed.

    Prior to serving as AG, Gonzales was counsel for then-Texas governor Bush, and became counsel when Bush became president.

    Personally, I never cared much for Gonzales, but with our civil liberties in jeopardy, his departure means that there is one less headache for the rest of us, and President Bush has to deal with, though Bush obviously isn't happy about getting rid of his walking migraine.

    That loud cheering you hear is a bunch of civil libertarians and mostly Democrats partying, and sending Mr. Gonzales his going away present.

    All I can say is, "disfrutar de tu retiro, Alberto." Believe me, when he leaves on 17 de septiembre (that's September 17 to us gringos), he will not be sorely missed.

    (C) 2007, by Darren W. Alexander.
    All Rights Reserved.

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