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    Saturday, March 03, 2007

    What Will Apple Release This Time?- Chapter Two

    April 15, at the NAB convention in Las Vegas, Nevada, Apple will hold a special event. In the past, the all-in-one house of Steve (all-in-one meaning they build both the computer and the operating system- something Microsoft will never do in another million years, considering that they've already screwed up Vista...) has released products for us Mac lovers. I'm talking updated versions of our favorite Mac computers and software, and probably an update of iTunes as well.

    So, what will Steve Jobs and company give us Mac-heads this time?

    I'm guessing Leopard will be released around this time. Or at least, Steve-O will give us the date of release.

    Perhaps, Apple will come to its' senses finally and lower the price of Macs across the freakin' board. Which means I won't have to spend $1500 on the 13" black MacBook I've been salivating over forever.

    Perhaps Apple will release a 42" plasma HD Cinema Display monitor for the professionals among us. Just picture looking at our files from across the room would be great- particularly for those of us who use Final Cut Studio (or even Final cut express and iMovie...speaking of which, Apple could release FCS 5.2, or even 6.0, ahead of Adobe's return to the Mac platform with the Production Studio suite that will run exclusively on Intel-based Macs. Production Studio comes out in June).

    As usual, the gang in Cupertino keeps everyone in the dark- probably so those fuck-ups in Redmond don't try to spy on the Apple lab, and try to sneak in something ahead of the release of the next Mac product...I don't trust those nimrods from Microsoft.

    Also go to for the National Association of Broadcasters website. Click on the title above for the Macworld article.

    Copyright 2007, by Darren W. Alexander. All Rights Reserved.

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