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    Friday, March 09, 2007

    Herouxville, Quebec- Canada's Hayden Lake

    Okay, so maybe I'm going a bit too far on the title, but apparently, many folks of the Muslim proclivity are not very happy about some new laws they see as stifling their beliefs.

    On the website, Moonbattery, the authors praise the town's fathers for 'standing up' for the town's values and sovergnity ( ), while another group, Religious Freaks, say that what's going on in Herouxville is nothing unlike what Hitler did before the Holocaust and subsequently World War II. (read their blog at ).

    What this stems from is the move by the Herouxville town council to protect women from stoning; not wearing the traditional female abaya- the name of that robe escapes me right now- and allows female officers to arrest men; etc. As we all know, in many Muslim countries, women are treated like second class citizens, with no rights or protections, and Herouxville felt that what applies in, say, Saudi Arabia, doesn't apply in this town about 125 miles outside of Montreal.

    Here in America, we respect all kinds of beliefs, no matter how seemingly troubling sometimes. We can agree to disagree, but in a civilized manner. I cannot play judge, or executioner on the Herouxville laws. But I do feel that perhaps some of the bylaws need another look- like the wearing of the abaya. If the Muslim female feels that wearing the abaya brings more connection to her faith, so be it. If she feels that she can be a Muslim without one, again, so be it.

    The decision must be up to the individual, not the government.

    Copyright 2007, by Darren W. Alexander. All Rights Reserved.

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