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    Wednesday, January 17, 2007

    Multitasking Can Be a Pain in the Arse (Sometimes)

    I hate using the library's computers sometimes. For one, they run on Windows- not that anything's wrong with that (only, I'm a Mac person). And you only get one scant hour to get things done. Before you know it, that hour's evaporated.

    (Sorry, I needed the laugh. An old blooper from the CBS series Gunsmoke).

    Fortunately for me, by the end of the month, I won't be using the library's computers again- a 15" MacBook Pro/ 2.33 GHz (Intel Core 2 Duo) is very much in my future. So, the days of watching over my shoulder (hey, library security's not very kind to us porn surfers) are numbered.

    Okay, moving on, in February, tons of software are coming my way. The new Cinema 4D, Release 10; Final Draft 7.1.3/Power Structure suite...Manga and Anime Studio programs; and of course, Final Cut Studio 5.1. I'll be pretty busy between now and May with doing self-taught lessons in video production and editing; visiting New York; and perhaps even sneak in a trip to Mardi Gras.

    There is indeed a lot on this plate to enjoy.

    Copyright 2007, by Darren W. Alexander. All Rights Reserved.

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