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    Wednesday, June 28, 2006

    I('m Beginning to) Love New York

    I know I told you this story before, but I just. Cant. Help. Myself. but to mention it again.

    About nine years ago, I came into Portland, Oregon in part because it had a reputation of being one of the friendliest places on the planet. You know, kind of a Disneyland for progressives and other weirdos. Where a wealthy person would treat a less fortunate person with dignity and respect. Where interracial love abounded- believe me, I dated white and native American women (I don't remember dating any black women here)- and no one would raise so much of a fuss. And a big plus, Oregon had no sales tax.

    Well, all the above still exists (take note, Wood Village! NO SALES TAXES!), but on a lesser scale when it comes to being one of the friendliest cities on the planet. Ever since I returned from New Orleans three years ago, the natives are becoming fewer, and people from California have arrived and are now attempting to do what they did in California- muck things up! Don't get me wrong, California's a gorgeous state. Even Los Angeles makes my heart go aflutter. But those California types have moved up here, bringing their smog and snobbery here to Portland, and now I'm thinking about leaving Portland again- albeit temporarily.

    Make that working on leaving good ol' Moscow on the Willamette.

    Now, granted, New York has a reputation- however undeserved- of being a mean ol' place. Sure, I don't think I'll venture into the Bronx at night anytime soon (unless, of course, I attend a Yankees game. So, people from Bronx, tell me why I should visit you guys after hours, and I'll consider...). But after the 9/11/01 attacks, New Yorkers seem to have this attitude that...I don't know, seems to have humbled them a bit. I mean, don't get me wrong, the Big Apple is still tough as nails, as it should, but they natives seem to have an openness to visitors and everyone else.

    So, right now, I'm in the beginning stages of making the eastward move to New York. While there, I'll take an eight-week filmmaking workshop course at New York Film Academy, and I may even stick around for a blizzard or heavy snowstorm, or two (I'll have one or two hotties cuddled by the fire, keeping ME warm). Then, by the time I return to Portland- and yes, I'm returning. I love Portland too much to let some nasty varmint from California chase me away- I'll be very proficient in filmmaking, and I may even do a shoot or two here in Amsterdam/Moscow/Havana on the Willamette.

    Or, if the folks in the Big Apple seduce me enough, I just might stay there and say "to hell with Portland!"

    Portland, I'm yours to lose.

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