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    Wednesday, June 21, 2006

    Connie...Don't Quit Your Day Job (Wait...You Don't Have One Anymore)

    Okay, I don't know if I should call this comedy, or pathetic attempts at it. But, as a lot of you now know, Connie Chung was- and I put great emphasis on that word- one of broadcast TV's brightest stars (Then again, so was Dan Rather, but that was before he decided to start a Texas shootout with the current Commancder in Chief on the now defunct 60 Minutes II. It must be noted that she and Dan attempted a Harry-and- Barbara gig some 13 years ago...just like Mr. Reasoner- Lord rest his soul- and Ms. Walters, the pairing didn't exact have the late Peter Jennings or Tom Brokaw running for the hills).

    So...I don't know what to say here except...perhaps the Las Vegas Hilton should reconsider that contract they signed with Mrs. Maury Povich.

    One question, Maury...given the fact that you two- on occasion- take showers together (let alone romantic baths), is she a better singer in the shower?

    Hmmm...just asking.

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