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    Sunday, April 09, 2006

    The Return to Louisiana

    Let's face it. I miss New Orleans. I miss it painfully, very painfully. Since Hurricanes Katrina and Rita decided to do a number on my beloved Big Sleazy, I don't think I was able to hold back tears everytime I thought of what was...the vibrant life. 24/7. With streetcars running, revelers not giving a care in the world as they partied on Bourbon Street. The city that really never slept (sorry, New York...), with total Southern hospitality. Many of the folks were friendly (yeah, a few knuckleheads...a given...).

    As I took a look at the New Orleans Regional Transit Authority's website (, I've noticed that the bus and streetcar service have been reduced. Once the majority of the system's buses and streetcars ran 24/7. Now, you're SOL after 11:00PM. Fortunately, New Orleans is a pretty navigable city, but with areas devastated by Katrina and Rita, I doubt if anyone would want to be stuck in the middle of what could be perceived as badlands at 3 in the morning.

    Still, I miss Louisiana.

    That's why I'm returning there in July for my birthday. Although I will be lodging in Baton Rouge, I will spend at least a full day in the Big Easy (not quite 24 hours, but still, gotta get the party on, right?). With camcorder and digital camera in tow, I'll catch all the excitement on Bourbon (if you're good, I may show you some 'flashers' on still and video...), plus I'll put in some shots of neighborhoods as they recover from Katrina and Rita. I'm looking forward to returning to the place I've called home for two years (2001-2003)

    The city and its' people still need our love. After all, it's the birth center of jazz, and party center outside Las Vegas, and New York City. Give to the American Red Cross ( and Mercy Corps ( And if you ever get the chance, go and visit Louisiana- and particularly New Orleans. I also included a link to a pdf plan from the state of Louisiana. Go now to and read up on what's to be done as New Orleans rebuilds.

    To all the folks I've known- the Herbie Phelps; the Cynthia Edwards and the many others I've had the pleasure (and occasional pains!) of working with and knowing during my time in the Big Easy, you have my love, and I hope to see you all when I visit New Orleans on July 29, two days before my birthday. I hope all of you have made it through the storms safely.

    Copyright 2006, by Darren W. Alexander. All Rights Reserved.

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