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    Saturday, April 22, 2006

    New Orleans Votes

    Today is the most important day in the life of New Orleans, Louisiana- and of the parish (what Louisiana calls a parish is known to the rest of the country as...a county) on which is located, Orleans. Today is the mayoral primary election. The question: what direction does the city want to go, post Hurricane Katrina? Will incumbent Clarence Ray Nagin, Jr. remain mayor of what he called (back in January) a 'chocolate city'? Or will the Big Easy have its' first white mayor in 28 years? The debates have been intense. Accusations of racism, classism, etc. have surfaced.

    Many New Orleans residents- majority African-American- took journeys back to New Orleans to vote. And if the black vote raises its' voice loud enough, then it looks like the incumbent will win.

    22 candidates- including Nagin- are vying for the position. If no one gets the required 50 percent vote to win, then there will be a runoff election on May 22. The nation is watching to see who will lead the battered- yet beloved (this blogger agrees on the 'beloved' part, given the fact that he lived there for two years)- city's future.

    I'll keep an eye on developments, and by Sunday morning- if not before- I'll find out if there will be a runoff. And if Ray Nagin remains mayor a bit longer.

    Also check the details out at, and at

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