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    Wednesday, July 08, 2009

    Uh-Oh! You Better Watch Your Ass, Microsoft (You Too, Apple)

    In 1984, Apple computer- which may or may not celebrate 35 years on the planet two years from now (okay, it like will)- gave us Macintosh. In other words, happy 25th birthday, Mac.

    Then, in 1985, Microsoft- born in 1975 by some geek in Albuquerque, New Mexico- gave the world Windows, which became the dominant computer operating system in the mid-1990s (thanks to Apple's missteps- one of the first being the firing of CEO Steve Jobs. They have since corrected that fuck up).

    Now, Google- the world's most popular search site (and parent company to Blogger, in which this blogger proudly uses for his three blogs- one in which you're reading right now)- introduces Chrome!

    (Hey, I said CHROME!...I gotta fire the band...)

    According to Google, Chrome will be an open based operating system, and will be initially targeted for netbooks. Consumers can get Chrome on their desktops and laptops in the second half of next year. Meantime, let's take a look at Chrome has to offer:

    • Speed: It's purportedly fast. Get started up right away. (Take that, Mac!)

    • Secure: You know those nasty bugs you get mainly on Windows (and occasionally on Mac)? Google says that Chrome will be more secure, so those nasty viruses won't hit your Chrome-run computer.

    • Simple: Google says using Chrome will be just that easy. No fuss. No muss.

    Currently, Chrome is just a browser- and one I've just installed on my Compaq Presario 756nr, and it seems to play well with the Microsoft Live Search. I just turned on my Yahoo! account, so I'm satisfied. But I'm more curious about how the operating system will run, so I may have to buy a netbook (but I'm keeping my Compaq!).

    Click on the title to the Google blog and learn more about Chrome.

    (C) 2009 by Darren W. Alexander. All Rights Reserved.

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