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    Thursday, July 23, 2009

    Shame On You, New York Post (Where Can I Get More Photos Like This?)

    The Erin Andrews debacle has brought on- once again- the firestorm of female journalists (and for that matter, celebrities) and the ogling that sometimes goes too far. This one, of course, concerns a couple peephole videos of a nude Andrews taking care of business (such as ironing her shirt, etc). And now those bastards at the New York Post decided to post the video in question, which you can see from the Post article ESPN HOTTIE ERIN ANDREWS IN PEEP SHOCKER

    Now why would they do such a thing? Many personalities are asking the question, "Why is the Post disrespecting Ms. Andrews? Her privacy was violated and she's staying off the air like a scared kitten. Okay, so let's give her time to recover, true. But I think Ms. Andrews should have instead dusted herself off, gone back on ESPN, and told these assholes where to cram it. Adding an entire box of Morton salt to the wound, it's alleged that someone from her own network may have been behind the recent juvenile behavior of playing voyeur (probably while waxing his general or petting her Snoopy- hey, not all pervs are male, you know...for all I know, the person was probably some jealous female ESPN staffer who did this unspeakable deed).

    Of course, I would've liked to have seen the video myself. Except that I may have invited some malware in my laptop- and not seen Erin's tits. sorry, but some things are just not worth damaging my computer for.

    (C) 2009 by Darren W. Alexander. All Rights Reserved.

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