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    Wednesday, October 22, 2008

    Oh, Sarah, You're a Sketch...

    Sarah Palin. Such a trouper.

    True, she was an extremely good sport last weekend on NBC's Saturday Night Live. And she's very MILFy- I guess my only regret here is that I didn't meet up with her some twenty years ago. Todd should be so lucky.

    (Oh, and don't forget that she seems to be handling her eldest daughter Bristol's pregnancy extremely well. Of course, I think the guy who knocked Bristol up was told to "be a man", all while facing the barrel of a double barrel rifle held by Sarah herself. Better listen, son...).

    Today, she talked with those cunts at the organization known for their love of gays; anyone who is pro-choice; and probably any racial group other than white, Anglo-Saxon protestant: Focus on the Family, run by the best cunt of all, Dr. James Dobson.

    Palin says that God will "do the right thing on Election Day," and get her bed buddy John Sidney McCain III and herself in the White House. Of course, if that's the case, I'm afraid that Cindy's going have to sleep in the Lincoln Bedroom. Not that ol' Cin's complaining. Hell, for all I know, she's a cougar who's probably bored stiff with that 72-year-old fossil she married years ago.

    All kidding aside, Palin tells Dobson that she is "hardcore pro-life," and that her choice to keep her son Trig- who has Down syndrome- proves that "she walks the walk." I applaud Mrs. Palin for keeping Trig, sure, but I'm wondering if Trig knows what a nutcase his mother is. After all, she says that the Almighty Jehovah- don't say 'Allah'. It pisses Mrs. Palin off- will keep the Republicans in the White House for at least four years.

    Of course, those sagging support numbers for McCain will go up. After all, Sarah Palin says so, because God's going to bring them up.

    If that's the case, then I have a 4,000 mile causeway bridge to Hawaii to sell you.

    (C)2008, by Darren W. Alexander. All Rights Reserved.

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