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    Friday, August 01, 2008

    Obama is a Hollywood Diva? Oh, Mr. McCain, How About those Hiltons?

    You've seen the ads on TV:

    Glad you do approve, John. After all, Obama's a media darling, and McCain...well...

    If anyone had watched last night's edition of Comedy Central's
    The Daily Show with Jon Stewart, you may have learned a bit something-something about the Vietnam veteran who wants to be the 44th President. Watch the video below, then come back...go on. Do it. (I'll wait).

    Special thanks to Comedy Central for that clip.

    Welcome back.

    It seems that our ol' buddy John Sidney McCain III- the Republican US senator out of the great state of Arizona- is being a bit hypocritical of his Hollywood connections.
    Can he explain the $4600 he got from the Hilton family- yes, the family that owns the upscale hotel chain, and whose heiress may or may not be a out-of-control party girl who has a singing voice that's overdosed on helium?

    So, let me ask, Johnny boy, about your being let in to Hollywood's hottest clubs, Paris? Obviously, it's been many a night in Paris, right? Does Cindy know about this?

    Okay, that above statement obviously isn't true (at least, as far as the general public knows...but hey, that could be the 'October surprise'. I can see the headline now: MCCAIN AND PARIS IN HOT TRYST: HILTON FAMILY PAYS MCCAIN TO SHUT UP...), but I couldn't help but to have fun with this little tidbit.

    And ABC News says that more people get their news from them (than any other source). They, I'm deathly afraid, forgot about The Daily Show with Jon Stewart. O vey.

    (C)MMVIII by Darren W. Alexander. All Rights Reserved.

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