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    Thursday, August 07, 2008

    Detroit Mayor Jailed on Bond Violations.

    Detroit, Michigan Mayor Kwame Kilpatrick was jailed this morning on bond violations. This stems from a trip he took to Canada in July.

    Kilpatrick took a trip to Canada on July 23 without notifying 36th District court judge Ronald Giles. One of the conditions of Kilpatrick's bond was to notify the court of his travel plans.

    It's not known how long Kilpatrick will be in the Wayne County jail.

    Click on the title for the news conference on WXYZ-TV.

    Click here to for the list of charges Kilpatrick and his chief of staff Christine Beatty face. In short, both Kilpatrick and Beatty face perjury charges on allegations that the two have carried on an extramarital affair.

    (C)MMVIII by Darren W. Alexander. All Rights Reserved.

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