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    Saturday, January 26, 2008

    Detroit Mayor in Sex Scandal

    The mayor of Detroit, Michigan, Kwame Kilpatrick is in the heat of passion- and not the kind one in his position would want to be.

    It appears that the 37-year-old mayor may have a lover on the side. He's married to Carlita, and they have three children, but he went ot a North Carolina retreat with a woman, who went by the name 'Carmen Slowski'- after the turtle character in the Comcast high speed Internet commercials.

    'Carmen Slowski' isn't Carlita.

    At the heat of this scandal is a series of text messages.

    This report below is from the Detroit Free Press. For the latest report, click on the title for the link to WXYZ-TV, the ABC station in Detroit. Apparently, the mayor and his chief of staff Christine Beatty lied about the firings of officers who were investigating the mayor. They also denied that he and Beatty were having an affair.

    bkjournalism/YouTube/Detroit (Michigan) Free Press

    If Kilpatrick and Beatty are found guilty of perjury, the each face 15 years in prison. Kilpatrick could lose his (attorney's) bar license.

    (C)2008 by Darren W. Alexander/The DWA Organisation. All Rights Reserved.

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