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    Saturday, December 20, 2008

    Next, They'll Say That We Can't Smoke In Our Own Homes and Cars

    An outdoor smoking ban is considered in San Luis Obispo, California. This is in addition to an idoor smoking ban that affected bars and public buildings that passed in 1990. But now, the city council want to ban smoking in parks, and on city streets, citing butts trashing the streets.

    Not surprisingly, there are folks who don't cotton to this impending ban. and me, myself, I think that the city needs to, um, BUTT OUT! Smoking, however seemingly dangerous to our lives, is still a personal freedom. And a lot of us who light up would protest this.

    The full story is available at

    it seems to me that communities, such as San Luis Obispo, or even here in Portland, Oregon, want to play the nanny state role. They're trying to save us from ourselves- or so it seems anyway. But, to me, that's doing more harm than good. We're held accountable for ourselves, and if we choose to risk our lives by overeating, smoking, or excess drinking, we have that choice. But our government wants to play 'big brother'.

    And to me, that's a 'big bother'.

    (C) 2008 by Darren W. Alexander. All Rights Reserved.

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