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    Thursday, December 18, 2008

    Melissa Vs. Elizabeth


    I must thank The Young Turks- who air daily on Air America radio- for their response to Liz Hasslebeck, of ABC's The View.
    YouTube/The Young Turks

    Melissa Etheridge, Grammy and Oscar winning singer, came on the show Tuesday to talk about one of her new songs. Melissa, being the activist that she is, talked about the passage of California's Proposition 8, which effectively banned same sex marriage in California. Liz, as you see in both clips above (the first from The View in its' entirety; the second with the two cents contributed by The Young Turks) does her best to dodge the fact that she wished that she was in California to vote for Prop 8.

    The way I see this, Liz Hasslebeck is just Ann Coulter in training- only, Ann is the epitome of a wet dream Adolf Hitler probably had over sixty years ago. You know, blond, Aryan hottie. Perfect example of the 'master race that would last a millennium (if not more. Don't you just love Eugenics?...)

    Picture Liz's face in place of Bill Shatner's and you get the picture.

    But seriously, folks, if Elizabeth doesn't like the fact that same sex marriage is a human right, and not what the evangelical and conservative bases call 'special rights', then first off, she has that right not to like it. And second, she's still a bitch.

    One I'd still fuck- just bring plenty of Trojans or Durexes. I don't want any of her hate juices.

    (C) 2008 by Darren W. Alexander. All Rights Reserved.

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