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    Sunday, December 14, 2008

    Throw More Shoes at Bush

    In Iraq, throwing shoes at someone is considered an insult.

    But this time, I think many of the Iraqi people are thanking the shoe-throwing journalist for having the balls to aim at the outgoing US crime boss. After all, the journalist blamed Bush for tearing Iraq to shreds, and if he could, he'd have more people do it. Hell, I'd be more than happy to do this, since he's gotten us in this war in the first place, then sabotaged the economy by sending many manufacturing jobs overseas.

    Oh, and then there's that marriage amendment he tried to stick in our faces.

    Now, if that was an American soldier who did that, he'd likely face court-martial. But then again, who knows? He or she probably did America a favor.

    (C) 2008 by Darren W. Alexander. All Rights Reserved.

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